Louis C.K. Meets Sarah Palin 5 Years after Vile Tweets. What Was the Reaction?

Louis C.K. Meets Sarah Palin 5 Years after Vile Tweets. What Was the Reaction? April 16, 2015


Mom made quite a splash by her appearance at Saturday Night Live’s 40th anniversary special. Remember the silly “white dress” controversy? At the afterparty, my mom also got to meet Louis C.K. in person – the comedian who tweeted several profane ‘jokes’ about her nearly 5 years ago.

Their interaction was not what you would expect.

My mom’s reaction wasn’t too surprising to anyone who is polite and kind. And if you know her, neither was the effect she had on Louis CK.

Here’s how he tells it:

“She says, ‘Hey, I think you’re terrific. I think you’re really funny and my nephew told me I have to say hi to you and you’re the one guy I have to meet,’” the comedian recalled. “Something came over me emotionally and I said, ‘Well, I owe you an apology.’”

Louis C.K. said he’s “never in a million years apologized for anything” he’s said before, and he made it clear he doesn’t apologize to anyone else who was offended by his remarks. However, seeing Palin in person moved him to make amends because he’s not an “insult guy.”

Mom actually hadn’t seen the tweets he’s referring to, so she asked what he meant. He admitted that he’d said some “bad things” about her, and Mom’s response was pretty funny: “Well, you’re a vile person.”

“And it kind of made me laugh,” he said. “I said, ‘yeah, I hope I didn’t hurt you’re feelings and I’m sorry.’”

Then Sarah Palin invited him to Alaska to go fishing sometime!

“Maybe it surprises people, but I was sincerely humbled and appreciative,” she said later. “I wish I could have spoken with him longer. And again, I sincerely appreciated his unexpected and character-revealing apology. I think he’s the only one in Hollywood who’s ever done that.”

He still went on to say some disgusting things about her and other conservative women, when he later went on the radio with Howard Stern.

But again, what do you expect — in my mom’s words, he’s “a vile person.”

That follow-up incident also points out the double standard between media coverage of conservatives and their own buddies, the liberals. The writer at Breitbart is pretty insightful:

My guess is that if Stern and C.K. had used the names Sandra Fluke, Chelsea Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and Michelle Obama, the media coverage would be entirely different.

You don’t say.

Anyway, the point I want to make is: my mom’s just a normal, likable person – whatever your politics are! It’s rare someone meets her who doesn’t end up liking her!

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