Sarah Palin: When it Comes to Iran, Obama Only Has a Big Selfie Stick

Sarah Palin: When it Comes to Iran, Obama Only Has a Big Selfie Stick September 10, 2015

To all the reporters covering the greatest threat to our security, and all the participants rallying around this most important issue – thank you for your great efforts yesterday at the anti-Iranian nukes rally. It opened America’s eyes to what Pres. Obama is doing with Iran. His “deal” with them actually strengthens the enemy and weakens America! Literally, it’s a life & death issue facing our nation and our allies.

My mom spoke along with Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, and this list of hard working activists who know how bad Obama’s deal is; thanks to all of you for taking time to let us know what’s going on: Reps. Louie Gohmert, Mike Pomeo, Mark Meadows, Gov. Jim Gilmore, Breitbart’s Steve Bannon, Penny Nance, Frank Gaffney, Jim Woolsey, Morton Klein, Michael Pregent, Genevieve Wood, Anne Bayefsky, Jenny Beth Martin, Lisa Mel Norton, Bill Walton… and everybody who showed up to protest the rotten deal that puts Israel and America in great danger! Thanks for bearing Washington, DC’s scorching heat – Mom said she felt like she was in a Bikram Hot Yoga class up on stage!

Amazingly, there was crazy criticism of my mom’s speech from activists in the “Black Lives Matter” group. They totally twisted her comments, accusing her of racism! Mom doesn’t have a racist bone in her body – none of us do. They discredit themselves with radical and false accusations like this. How in the world are her comments “racist”? Here’s the rally transcript that empowers ALL Americans, of EVERY race, and it thanks good cops for doing their job:

Thank you for raising your voice for sanity! For gathering to uphold the promise made: “NEVER AGAIN”. We gather here because we’re still a free nation, and if you love your freedom, thank a vet! And, since our President won’t say it, since he still hasn’t called off the dogs, we’ll say it: Police Officers and First Responders, we got your back – we thank you! 

Of course Obama’s Deal is insane, to anyone but Iranian Regime Sympathizers. It’s betrayal of U.S. hostages – he left them behind. It’s betrayal of America – he strengthened the enemy. The whole premise of this thing is wrong. “Negotiating” with the braggadocios number one sponsor of terrorism? Obama never even clenched a fist against this wicked regime where anti-Semitism and holocaust denial is “official ideology”, with state-sanctioned torture and killing of women just because they’re women; stoning, amputations, that’s “national policy”.  

And what’s changed? Nothing, except Hillary Clinton, before, she insisted, “Iran is seeking nukes!” Now? Eh, it’s not so bad. She spins faster than one of Iran’s thousands of centrifuges. 

The blood of U.S. soldiers is on the Ayatollah’s hands. And we go and SHAKE that hand? Our sons and daughters sacrificed in IRAQ (they’re still there!) to disempower Extremists in its neighboring CRAZY LAND, Iran. But the White Flag was waved at the table because Obama had a SQUISHY objective to start with, instead of our ROCK SOLID objective to put America first!

Remember back in 2012, Joe Biden told us, “The President carries a big stick. I promise, it’s big!” Come to find out he was talking about Obama’s SELFIE STICK. So it’s up to us to tell the enemy, “We win, you lose!” 

Think about it: how’d we come to ‘sup with Sharia to start with? 

Because Iran was DIRTY DEALING! Bad actors already accused of hiding their secret nuclear weapons work in their secret facility, and we just codified their “right” and ability to hide their secret nuke work in the SAME secret facility! They’re allowed the one thing… the one thing NOT negotiable: unannounced inspections. Now, the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy, but now they’ll get to inspect themselves?! Now what could go wrong with that? “Don’t call us, we’ll call you,” they say. Oh goodie, because Obama’s standing by with his phone… and his pen if they “stretch the truth” and start dropping bombs. 

Only in an Orwellian Obama World full of sprinkley fair dust blown from atop his unicorn, looking through his pretty pink plastic kaleidoscope could you see this treaty bringing peace. You don’t reward terror – you kill it! You don’t lift sanctions, you target assets – cut off their oil and drill, baby, drill our own! We don’t retreat, we lead against any enemy daring to test us. And THAT is what Iran just did! They tested us. 

So Congress – kill the deal. The President is playing you. Again. He SO disrespects you and our Constitution he won’t even bring the treaty to you, wholly. And you can’t “gotta pass it to see what’s in it” this time. 

He doesn’t trust you; he doesn’t trust us, Americans… to change a lightbulb – of our own choosing! But he’ll trust a Death Cult boasting of its pal’s – Russia’s – increased dominance of the worlds uranium supplies, that’s needed to share – to make nukes. And THAT’S made worse thanks to us “gifting” – thanks, Hillary – OUR uranium production capability. This mistake is so enormous, on such a grand crony capitalism scale, I can only compare its size to Alaska’s Mt. McKinley. 

Across the way, in Russia, there’s a name for “taking advantage of America.” It’s called fortochka. It means, “Obama window of opportunity.” So as Obama leads from behind – the skirt of his right hand man, Valerie Jarrett – Congress you must close that window! He may propose – you dispose! 

Be in it to win it because we want peace, and with unapologetic MIGHT of the red, white and blue, we’ll have peace! 

See, war is hell. Yet, as in all other things, this Administration loves conflict SO much they’ll take pressure off the bad guys, and reward bad behavior. It IS an Orwellian Obama World with borders wide open, IRS harassing, servers ‘a wiping… his bad actors are rewarded… while a Christian County Clerk goes to jail. 

Call to action: it does no good to play small. That’s not why you were created, and we’ve no time for that. YOU be empowered!

And, render today a biased lapdog media power-LESS. Hey media, they’re on to you. Your role is played out. You’re relegated to the ash heap of history. Look around you! You’re not alone! There are more of us than there are of them. So take action. And don’t let your prayin’ knees get lazy.

God bless you, God bless Israel, and God bless the United States of America! 

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