Preview of coming blog attractions

Preview of coming blog attractions May 25, 2016

Photo courtesy of Mickey, Flicr. CC Licensing.
Photo courtesy of Mickey, Flicr. CC Licensing.

You might have noticed it’s been quiet here.

The truth is, while this blog’s been a bit more inactive that I’d like, life itself has actually been quite hectic. May 2016 has been crazy for our family. We’ve had good things taking up our time, such as out-of-town guests and family events. We’ve had broken garage doors and disabled lawnmowers to deal with. We’ve had a sick baby, a sick wife and a sick me at our home. And that’s all on top of a busy day job that sometimes makes it hard to write at night, two wonderful but energetic kids, and other ongoing obligations. Most months, it’s manageable. This month, it took a bit of a hit, both on the blogging and podcast ends. There’s been content, sure. But it’s not where I want it to be.

Mixed in with this has also been a shift in what I want this blog to be. I said in my first entry that this blog was going to be an experiment. And I’ve played with a few things that worked quite well, while other things didn’t really hit the way I hoped. There are some posts that I feel are some of the best things I’ve ever written. And there are pieces where I can see myself chasing traffic instead of writing from my heart.Overall, I’m having a great time here at Patheos, and I have to admit that I’ve been surprised at some of the engagement this blog has seen. But I’ve also been asking a lot of questions lately about what, exactly, it means to be a Christian entertainment blogger, and that’s something I want to explore in more depth in a few weeks. But as we approach the half-year mark for this blog, I think I have a better idea of what I want to put here, items that I feel capture my voice and my passions a little bit better.

I have a feeling that I’m getting ready to exit the crazy times of the past few weeks; I feel like there’s a bit of a respite coming. And just in time, because I have some good content for you coming later this week. There’s a backlog of reviews I want to tackle, as well a podcast I’m  putting the finishing edits on that was a blast to record. I spent some time last week talking with a friend and artist about his faith and work, and I can’t wait to share it with you. There are two highly anticipated new releases I’m screening over the next week that should be fun to write about. And then, as we hit June, I’m really looking forward to diving writing about some things I’ve wanted to since I started here at Patheos. As a way to help me manage my schedule a bit better at home and also ensure that I’m writing about things I feel passionate about, I’m going to start a few new series that I’m really excited about. Here are just a few things I’m hoping to include:

  • A renewed focus on older films will fill this blog, with three new occasional series. Rewind will look at older films, some of which are my all-time favorites and some of which I’m revisiting out of curiosity. In June, in honor of its 15th anniversary, I’ll be revisiting Steven Spielberg’s “A.I.” Another series I’ve wanted to incorporate is Mind the Gaps, in which I plug up some of the holes in my cinematic knowledge. Right now, I’m thinking of kicking this off with Hitchcock’s “Vertigo.” Finally, I’ll be doing a series called Sagas, in which I look at a beloved (or, occasionally, reviled) franchise from start to finish. I don’t have one picked out for June yet, but hopefully soon I’ll settle on a choice.
  • One of the most enjoyable and rewarding things I was able to participate in recently was the blogging carnival for National Geographic’s “The Story of God.”  It was a great opportunity to step away from entertainment writing for a bit and delve into some deeper theological and spiritual waters, and it really lit the match on a lot of thinking. Who we are impacts how we approach art, and so I think a blog like this is only strengthened if I step away from entertainment from time to time to muse on spirituality, culture, politics and other issues. Not every pop culture post will have a spiritual angle, but by taking time to delve into my deeper thoughts, it should set the context for this conversation we’re having. So soon I’ll be introducing Sunday Sermons. These aren’t meant to be preachy. It’s just that, in order to keep boundaries, I want to limit non-pop culture posts to Sundays. Some of these will deal with spiritual issues, while other are just about culture, parenthood, etc. I’m really looking forward to this.
  • When you write about Christianity and pop culture, particularly the areas where they intersect, it’s easy to get cynical. And Lord knows, I’ve been guilty of that. But one of the greatest opportunities I’ve had with this blog — and the most enjoyable — has been to highlight people doing good work in the realm of art, entertainment and spirituality. I was very proud to be able to talk to Amanda G. Stevens about her Haven Seekers series, as well as Aaron Hale and Luke Brawner, the co-hosts of “Sons & Doubters,” which continues to be one of the most compelling podcasts around. I want to continue talking to Christians about the struggles of art and faith, so I’ll be doing that in Vanguards. This might not be monthly, but I do want it to keep happening. I have one interview I’m hoping to post in the coming week or so, and two more that I’m hoping to set up. Eventually, I’d like this be incorporated as a podcast element, but we’ll build to that.

But don’t worry; the other things you (hopefully) love aren’t going away. I’ll still be writing about new film releases, TV shows, books, pop culture news and more. If you’ve enjoyed listening to me on podcasts like “It’s My Favorite” and “Far From Hollywood,” I’ll still make sure to post those. And I’m hoping to shift my writing style a bit. As a former reporter, it’s been hard to break out of the detached, authoritative style of writing I used for reviews. But I’m hesitant to be pegged as any type of expert, in film, theology or any areas. I’m a lover and student of those things, and I want this to be an experience we have together. The great thing about a blog is that I can be more casual and personal in it, and I want to utilize that more. I want this to be a fun place for you to visit a few times a week.

One last thing. I’ve been writing here since January, and I’m humbled and thrilled by how many people have read, shared and commented on posts. I’ve been challenged by some of the discussions we’ve had, and I’m deeply honored that people have felt compelled to write. Please, keep it up. It’s a blast to write to such an intelligent and engaged readership. If you have movies you want to suggest or anything you’d like to see here, please comment, Tweet, email or use whatever means you prefer to let me know.

Again, I’m sorry abut the lag here; sometimes, that can’t be helped. But I’m so excited about what’s coming up.

— CW


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