April 9, 2013

I believe that God has created each of us to be better at some things than others. It’s a simple truth that, if embraced, changes how we teach our kids to put their strengths to work. Lately, I’ve taken to referring to it with our kids as discovering our superpowers. For one thing, we actually get intentional about discovering our own strengths so we can model the process for them. [ See my post 5 Resources to Now Discover Your... Read more

April 8, 2013

This simple post is not the length of what you usually find here at FaithWalkers.  I had another post planned for today, but instead, I’ll simply share my own earnest prayer that I jotted in my journal this morning. Not even sure why I’m sharing it, except that I feel urged to do so. Maybe it will be of help to someone. Maybe I’m the one who needs to share it. I’ve been reading through Exodus of late, paying particular attention to the... Read more

April 5, 2013

Ever wonder what’s it really like to be a church planting pastor? Today we hear the confessions of one of the bright lights in the Evangelical world who’s doing just that. I had the privilege of teaching and mentoring Dan Nichols through his years as a high school student where he led the school’s worship efforts. It’s been a delight to watch him grow, first as Student Body President at Baptist Bible College and now as he follows God’s call to... Read more

April 4, 2013

Well,I thought I had seen it all. Does this zip-line entrance into church by Pastor Rod Parsley qualify as “by any means” or is it a step too far? What’s next? Pat Robertson’s hair catching on fire while he records a commercial for the 700Club — while moonwalking? As a pallate cleanser, try out this stirring rendition of “Skyfall” — by the Granger Community Church worship band. In church. Took me back to my post Why I’ve Stopped Singing in Your... Read more

April 3, 2013

To be honest, I’ve been sort of ignoring the whole North Korea thing, thinking it’s just another dictator flailing about for attention. But then he does have nuclear weapons and he seems to be firing up his reactors again. And I will be flying in and out of Tokyo a couple of times in the next few weeks. That’s awfully close to North Korea now that I think about it. Aside from the potential for having my travel plans disturbed, here’s... Read more

April 2, 2013

It’s Spring Break time for many families and I know what some of them are thinking. Peaceful car rides? Are you kidding? “Are we there yet?” “He’s touching me!”  “Daddy. Daddy. Daddy. Dad–” You get the idea. The most common solution? Crank up the sappy, mindless, pop music a little louder and hope to minimize the injuries. At least you increase your own chances of surviving the trip and staving off more drastic measures. Our family has been intentional about having peaceful... Read more

April 1, 2013

As I was prepping for a leadership speaking session on communication, I came across this side-splitting story of communication gone horribly wrong. It makes the perfect blog entry for April Fool’s Day. You likely stopped in to FaithWalkers expecting some pithy wisdom for your walk. Instead, you get some pious bathroom humor. I suspect you’ll enjoy it — even if you are a Baptist. I chose not to use it in my upcoming leadership session simply because there’s no way... Read more

March 31, 2013

Maybe you’re one of those families that gives Easter baskets to their children to celebrate some defunct Roman deity. You know what I’m talking about. The eggs, the beans, the chick, the bunnies — they’re all signs of your secret allegiance to some long-forgotten fertility goddess. Admit it! You’re a secret Satan worshipper! Or maybe it’s just the chocolate. Having lived my entire life in Evangelical Christian circles, I’ve heard all the arguments for and against giving Easter baskets to your children... Read more

March 30, 2013

Celebrate Resurrection Day with a listen to my recent sermon based on John 20, exploring the first few interactions people had with Jesus following his triumphant rising from the dead. Everyone Jesus encounters is confused, fearful, and or doubting. Maybe you can relate.   Not surprisingly, everything changes when Jesus speaks. Listen. Learn. Believe.   He is risen!   Read more

March 29, 2013

On this Good Friday, when most eyes in Christendom turn to refocus on Christ’s sacrifice and suffering on the cross, the Passover also rightly comes to mind. It’s not only because the Passover meal served as the capstone to Christ’s equipping of his disciples, nor is it just because Christ chose to transform the Passover into the new ordinance for His Church. Different traditions call it different things — the Eucharist, the Lord’s Supper, or Communion. But all agree it is significant. I find the... Read more

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