Industry of One

Industry of One January 8, 2014

Two of my friends from church (who are married to one another) have a website that I recently discovered, called Industry of One. In it, they explore different people’s personal style and work habits – two topics that interest me greatly. And it’s accompanied by terrific photography.

Reading the website made me think of a few things: one, that each of us is so wonderfully unique and creative, and that we can celebrate that. Also, it seems like there’s some truth to the idea that surrounding us with things that make us happy aesthetically – even if they’re simple, inexpensive things – can go a long way toward helping us do more fruitful work. That’s applicable not just to people who work in creative industries, but for those whose primary workplaces are impersonal offices or the home.

I tried to find something to excerpt here, but I think the site is better experienced than just read about, so I’ll just recommend that you go over there and take a look!

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