Examining ATI Wisdom Booklets: Part 1 Booklet 5 – Medical Teeth and Bruxism

Examining ATI Wisdom Booklets: Part 1 Booklet 5 – Medical Teeth and Bruxism September 19, 2016


  • A person who doesn’t expect much of other people will never be disappointed, angry, frustrated or bitter?  I think a better solution would be to expect reasonable behavior from most people and deal with the negative emotions that come up when others behave badly.
  • What does mercy have to do with this?  Mercy requires the other person to admit they did wrong, but the affected person described here is running around with a chip on their shoulder (according to ATI) and no one who actually wronged them.
  • This brings up a warning sign I’ve never articulated before.  Be very cautious of groups who cannot see internal contradictions like the writing mass of contradictions that appear in the average ATI booklet.

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