Standing on My Head in the Top 70

Standing on My Head in the Top 70 April 16, 2015

teaching2Standing on My Head is number 68 in the top 300 religion blogs! Go here

Thanks to all my faithful readers.

I’ll keep on blogging if you’ll keep on reading.

I got started nine years ago simply because I wanted to publish stuff somewhere that would probably not get published anywhere else.

Before long I discovered I had something called “readers”.

That readership began to grow and as I jumped over to Patheos the new platform brought even more readers.

If you like Standing on My Head, don’t forget to express that approval by jumping over here and purchasing some of my books or maybe invite me to speak at your parish or conference. Why not be in touch through my contact page here and let me know what you like or don’t like so I can continue this work successfully.

I blog because I have lots of ideas and I feel called to share the fullness of the faith in the Catholic Church.

Thanks for reading!

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