Marcus Grodi: Done Roamin’

Marcus Grodi: Done Roamin’ October 26, 2015

grodiMy article for Aleteia this week is a profile of Marcus Grodi and the Coming Home Network

Marcus Grodi’s pun for life could be “Done Roman” because when he was received into the Roman Catholic Church the former Protestant pastor had found his spiritual home and was finally “done roamin’.” Grodi was brought up in a nominally Christian home, trained as a chemical engineer and eventually, after a profound adult conversion experience, trained to be a Presbyterian pastor.

However, his experience welcoming new members from other Protestant denominations to his church began to disturb his Presbyterian certainties. Protestant pastor Grodi explained his Presbyterian beliefs from the Bible, but the other Protestant Christians responded by quoting the Scripture verses that supported their different convictions. Marcus began to realize that his interpretation of the Bible was filtered by his Presbyterian assumptions and traditions. Furthermore the same was true of the other Protestants. A conversation with his friend Scott Hahn helped him discover some Bible verses he had never seen before.

Scott asked, “What is the pillar and bulwark of truth?”

As a good Protestant, Grodi answered, “The Bible of course!”

Hahn replied, “But what does the Bible itself teach about that? Let’s look up 1 Timothy 3:15.”

Together they read the St. Paul’s words, “I am writing to you…so that you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.”

Go here for the full article.

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