OLR Greenville in London’s Catholic Herald

OLR Greenville in London’s Catholic Herald November 9, 2015

extHere is the article about our new church in Greenville, South Carolina in London’s Catholic Herald

Why build a Romanesque church in the 21st century in America’s Bible Belt? The answer is simple: “Because it looks like a Catholic church.”

The Southern US is mission territory for Catholics, and our people wanted their new church to look Catholic because they want to proclaim the Catholic truth that tradition and beauty matter. They agreed that beauty is the language of worship.

In a Christian culture that has become centred on entertainment and a shallow self-help gospel they wanted to preach a sermon in stone that the Catholic faith is beautiful, good and true – ever ancient and ever new.

Go here for the full article. Go here to learn more about this building project. Go here to make an instant donation.


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