Here is a REAL Religion

Here is a REAL Religion May 6, 2016

ProcessionI will be blogging more at National Catholic Register, and here is my latest blog post.

As I said Mass there was also the strange awareness of transcending time. Here I was in a simple warehouse-type building in South Carolina at the beginning of the twenty-first century wearing the robes of a Roman patrician, celebrating a Mass rooted in the liturgies not only of the ancient Church, but further back—rooted in the Scriptures and liturgies of the Jewish people. Here the ancient principle of sacrifice was still being celebrated with solemnity and seriousness in a world blind to the reality of what was happening at the altar.
While the faith seemed so ancient and rooted in antiquity it was also tremendously alive and fresh. Here was life. Here was youth. Here was Spring.

Go here to read the full post.

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