August 3, 2016

Recently I’ve written about having problems as part of experiencing our humanity. I’ve also brought up using disempowerment as a tool of empowering our lives. Both of these topics have resulted in numerous emails or comments on social media. Most have applauded my stand, but there are a couple of people (in the most severe of criticisms) who think I have no right to be a minister, let alone one who is a religious scientist. The ones who are fighting... Read more

July 27, 2016

How tired are you of the negativity, outright lies and blatant disregard for common sense we hear from the media? I know. Silly question. It’s like whenever there’s a disaster of any kind in the world:  We don’t want to watch, but we do. Sometimes we get so addicted to the details – even though the reporters are merely repeating what was already said 20 minutes earlier – that we find ourselves almost immovable in front of our screen. If... Read more

July 20, 2016

Do feel like you live from a place of power, meaning you feel empowered in your life, the decisions you make and the direction of your life? My friend and colleague, the well-known prosperity speaker and Unity minister, Rev. Edwene Gaines, introduces herself as a “woman of power.” That rubs some people the wrong way and Edwene couldn’t give a rat’s patooty about it. It seems society teaches us to vie for power and then criticizes those who pursue it,... Read more

July 13, 2016

Have you noticed how we hold celebrities and spiritual leaders to a higher standard than others? We can be quick to criticize the conduct of people we hold in high esteem if what they do or say doesn’t fit the pictures we’ve created of them. For example, if celebrity couples separate or divorce the gossip rags go crazy, citing the events as yet another example of how famous people can’t manage relationships well – as if the general public can... Read more

June 29, 2016

Do you like to “people watch?” Considering the amount of time I spend in airport terminals for my “day job” it’s become a major pastime for me. I was having breakfast in Miami International Airport this week with a view to the terminal concourse. Many of the passengers, airport employees, TSA agents and flight crews were all doing the same thing:  Walking by with their noses buried in a mobile device. There was little if any interaction with other people... Read more

June 22, 2016

Do you have a “vision?” One of the most important tools we can have for success is a personal vision statement. It succinctly articulates what we want our lives to accomplish, what we want to enjoy, how we wish to live, with whom we wish to live it, and what impact we intend to have on the planet using the gifts that are uniquely ours to give. This week we continue to discuss The Global Vision:  A World That Works... Read more

June 15, 2016

Ever say something and before it’s even out of your mouth you knew you’d regret it? You might have said right then or perhaps later, “I didn’t mean that!” Sorry. You sorta kinda probably did. Our comments might not indicate the type of person we want to be remembered as being for generations to come, but we often mean EXACTLY what we say. True, we may regret having let the cat out of the bag, but there it is, lying... Read more

June 8, 2016

How often during the day do you ask or hear, “Why?” “There is no answer to a ‘why’ question.” I was once told. I believe the comment was in response to what a minister should say to comfort the surviving family of someone who had recently died. Actually, that’s probably not a good time to ask why. It’s a time to comfort one another, get through the next few days, weeks or months, and look for answers later. Another time... Read more

June 1, 2016

Has anyone ever told you that you should live up to your potential? I’ve heard that, either directed toward me or in passing when one person is discussing someone else (usually their husband or child). My first thought is always, “How do you know the ultimate potential of someone else?” My second thought comes something along the line about the person minding their own darn business, but I digress … We are more than we realize in the sense that... Read more

May 25, 2016

I admit it. At times it’s just overwhelming to me. I don’t know about you, but sometimes the charity emails, social media postings about the great needs of people locally and around the global, and the unending mail delivered to my house requesting donations is just too much. I go to the grocery store and there’s that same guy with his sign at the entrance to the parking lot, asking for money because he’s homeless. Is there anything we can... Read more

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