February 12, 2018

.... the decadence is real. If you are easily offended New Orleans natives recommend staying home from parades and parties.  Read more

February 9, 2018

Eye of Newt, Let's all get tipsy, Turn this water into Hennessy ! - inspiration from #BlackHogwarts Read more

February 7, 2018

Divination can be a tricky business. It is a lifelong study that can take a lifetime to master. One of the things I am most proud of here on the Voodoo Universe blog is our Divination Space Station series. In it we profile top psychics, authors, and diviners who have graciously offered to share their knowledge with us. I’m excited to say that this time around we have the blessed opportunity to present an interview with psychic April Orry Riley.... Read more

February 2, 2018

Desert rose is also called sand rose, or selenite rose. Magickally the stone will help give you confidence, protection, harmony, and love. Read more

January 30, 2018

The Reading of the Year is an African Traditional Religion tradition, passed down through the generations. Read more

January 27, 2018

Most of the time women’s history takes a back seat in the literature, this is the case with the legendary Queen Nanny. Known also as Nanny of the Maroons,  this woman was a powerful leader, and a force to be reckoned with. There are many differing reports of Nanny’s life. Some recount that she was an escaped slave, some say she may have had slaves of her own. It is irrefutable however that she was a hero of Jamaica who... Read more

January 22, 2018

But then the pantheon of Lwa are numerous, almost too numerous to list. The same is true for the Orisha in the Lucumi faith. Read more

January 18, 2018

It has always been a mission of mine both personally, and here on this blog to do whatever I can to support Haiti, including traditional Haitian arts, culture, and spirituality. Read more

January 17, 2018

Many associate pomegranates with the Goddess Persephone and her tale of the underworld. Read more

January 14, 2018

Fire magick is everything we want and need it to be. It is powerful, trans-formative, and life sustaining. Calling a back to a time of primal power it still finds its rightful place in the elemental magicks of today. Read more

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