October 3, 2017

It's not just books that are getting stolen these days, digital theft means even artwork isn't safe. Please share responsibly. Read more

September 27, 2017

When I'm reading for clients, I'll say to them, "So tell me a little bit about what's been on your mind lately" while I shuffle. Then whatever comes up in the cards is what comes up in the cards. Read more

September 23, 2017

Kyanite comes in a myriad of colors : blue, indigo,orange ,green, and black. Each resonates with it's own strength and power. Read more

September 18, 2017

Magick doesn't have to cost a lot of money, and the easily available Dandelion is a perfect example of this. Read more

September 14, 2017

There are exactly 493 posts on this blog, as the Lilith Dorsey Blogiversary approaches and I write this. When I started I wasn't sure I could finish 100 posts, let alone almost 500. Read more

September 11, 2017

Divination Space Station is the place where we stop to interview authors, psychics, and diviners from around the world. This time I am so excited to feature Author DJ Martin. Read more

September 6, 2017

The Lucumi (Santeria) feast for the Orisha Oshun occurs on September 8th. There is wonderful food, dancing, music, and joyous celebration. Read more

September 3, 2017

Before I started reading Glamour Magic I was confused about what this type of magic should or could be. I've had my share of run ins with witches who employed the use of a glamour, or two, or two hundred. Read more

August 31, 2017

In the myths and legends of the African Diaspora the Witch holds a special place. Bearing little resemblance to the Modern Witches we see today, these Witches are weird, bad, and dangerous. Very often they live on the edges of society, mastering the secret knowledge that untamed nature holds. The J’Ouvert celebrations that start Caribbean Carnival features one of these bad witches. At it’s core this ritual drama is about challenging class struggles, and fighting for survival. Fortunately, all of... Read more

August 29, 2017

Resistance can appear in many forms, and J'Ouvert is one of the most colorful. The celebration, which marks the start of Carnival, begins even before the sun rises. Read more

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