What I Know About Myself {Happiness Project}

What I Know About Myself {Happiness Project} August 5, 2015

Having observed myself now for 33 years there are some things I do know about what makes me happier and unhappier…

Things That Make Me Happy

A clear, bright, clutter-free space

Being free to pursue spontaneous trips, visits, and activities

Learning new things

Getting out of the house at least once a day

Helping people (even if it’s as simple as showing them where something is in the grocery store)

Bhajan group

Feeling productive

Things That Make Me Unhappy

Feeling out of control of our spending

Having a set schedule

Too many people depending on me


Concrete Goals To Work On…

1) Take the extra step

2) Make a master list of activities to do to get out of the house and refer to it when I get cabin fever

3) Work towards getting enough debt paid off for me to quit my job (again!) and work on my own schedule

4) Find a volunteer opportunity that gets me out of the house but doesn’t require the car

5) Get back to bhajan group and book club

6) Keeping up with Flylady

7) Do gratitude exercises and practice stepping back to see my life in context

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