March 25, 2024

When I was doing the research for my book about Hmong refugee resettlement in the aftermath of the “Secret War” in Laos, I was intrigued and surprised by how frequently missionaries showed up in the archival sources. Missionaries, it seemed, were everywhere. In Laos, they introduced Christianity to Hmong people in both the highland regions and the cities. In Thailand, they provided essential medical care in refugee camps that housed Cambodian, Lao, and Hmong people displaced by genocide, famine, and... Read more

March 21, 2024

This coming weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday, the dramatic events that mark the beginning of Holy Week. In this blog I will talk about some of the Old Testament passages that very strongly parallel the account as we read it in the gospels, and ask just what those linkages and foreshadowings actually mean. I will also talk about what I believe is the perfect scriptural text for reading and re-reading during the Easter season. Psalms, Messianic and Prophetic Any acquaintance... Read more

March 20, 2024

“You should always be proud of being an Indian. But never tell anyone.” This was essentially all my father told me about our Native heritage. Later, he would tell me a bit about his mother dying and made sure my siblings and I were recognized as citizens of the Chickasaw Nation. I only ever saw one picture of my grandmother until I was in college. Everything else I would learn about my Native American story would be largely without my... Read more

March 19, 2024

The Council of Chalcedon is famously the standard of Christological orthodoxy. The definition put forth in 451 outlines how the “saintly fathers” all confess “one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, acknowledged in two natures without confusion, change, division, or separation” (Price and Gaddis, The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, 5.204). As with all important theological documents from church history, there can be a danger of decontextualizing them—of forgetting the time, place, and people who shaped the language... Read more

March 18, 2024

Hi! I am a cultural sociologist on a tour of Texas Megachurches. Check out my first post here! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Now that we know that Trump will be the Republican nominee, the salience of Christian Nationalism in voting patterns will again become, I think, top concern for people invested in the well-being of our democracy. Ryan Burge asserts that Christian Nationalism is fading in the general population, citing comparisons between two excellent datasets from 2007 and 2021. Burge bases his accounts on... Read more

March 17, 2024

Evangelicals in the States like to have the Reformers and Puritans on their side. However, an undiscerned retrieval of the theology and piety of Reformers and Puritans is ill advised. Wrested from their cultural and historical context, this literature doesn’t hit the same way that it did when it was written. While there is much that might be soberly retrieved for the sake of godly living, caution ought to be exercised. Pious theology inevitably leads to public theology, and no... Read more

March 15, 2024

During Covid, when churches across the country moved their services outside, some might have considered this a novel way to worship. For me, attending Holy Mass or Divine Liturgy under a tent or in a church patio linked me across time and space to the colonial Mexican native peoples I have been studying for two decades, whose sheer numbers necessitated outdoor worship. I was reminded of this historical moment recently while working on my children’s book, which is set in... Read more

March 14, 2024

The new issue of the Atlantic has a fine piece on a topic that has long been dear to my heart. This is by the excellent journalist Ariel Sabar, and it is entitled “The ‘Secret’ Gospel and a Scandalous New Episode in the Life of Jesus. A Columbia historian said he’d discovered a sacred text with clues to Jesus’s sexuality. Was it real?” The text in question is the so-called Secret Gospel of Mark allegedly discovered by Morton Smith. Not... Read more

March 13, 2024

I have heard the name Wendell Berry for years, but I have never made the time to read one of his books, either his essays or novels. Upon listening to the excellent podcast The Scandal of Reading about Berry’s novel Jayber Crow, I finally settled on reading it. It is a busy time of the semester, but I am really trying to make space in my schedule to read fiction. At the beginning of the story, there is a particular... Read more

March 12, 2024

We have a crisis on our hands, and it is the crisis of the evangelical heart. At the center of this crisis is the relationship between the Church and its society. The Church has contributed to making our culture and society, and our society and culture have both enhanced and harmed the effectiveness of Christianity’s expression from one generation to the next. Richard Niebuhr addressed how the church contributed to making our society in his essay, “The Responsibility of the... Read more

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