Gas Costs How Much?

Gas Costs How Much? April 12, 2012

Americans experience “sticker shock” every time they go to the gas station to fill up their vehicle.  I certainly do. I drive a truck in Alaska.  Here, you have to drive something big and safe to meet the challenges of icy roads, moose collisions, hauling family members, and carrying equipment.  (Before you even start writing your snarky comments, don’t tell me to trade my truck in for a goofy little Volt – I doubt a Volt would even have enough oomph to warm the car up here!)

Anyone else feeling the pain at the pump?

Well, tune in to Fox News on Friday night for an energy special co-hosted by my mom.  Unlike President Obama, she’s willing to talk about solutions to the problems we all face with rising energy prices. Her special is called ‘Paying at the Pump’ and you’ll hear answers to the nation’s rising gas price problems! And keep in mind that rising oil prices don’t just effect gasoline prices, but every petroleum product that touches our everyday lives – like plastics, fertilizers, jet fuel, and just about everything else surrounding you.

So tune in on Friday to find out some solutions.  President Obama, if you aren’t doing anything, you might want to watch!

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