My Top 6 OT Commentaries (Deuteronomy)

My Top 6 OT Commentaries (Deuteronomy) June 9, 2021

We are continuing our series on top picks on OT commentaries from OT experts. Here is where we are at so far:

Genesis (Dr. J. Richard Middleton)

Exodus (Dr. Carmen Joy Imes)

General OT Resources (Dr. Cyndi Parker)

Leviticus (Dr. John T. Noble)

Numbers (Dr. Matt Schlimm)

Today, I bring you the top 6 picks on DEUTERONOMY from Dr. Sandy Richter.

Sandra Richter is Robert H. Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College. She is author of the widely popular book, The Epic of Eden and the recent follow up, Stewards of Eden.


Dr. Sandra Richter

Six great commentaries on the Book of Deuteronomy? Well, I’m hoping that the one I’m putting out this year with Eerdman’ Commentaries for Christian Formation series will be one of them (we’ll see!).



The essential will always be S. R. Driver’s ICC published back in 1895. One cannot do Deuteronomy without it. All of the hard linguistic work is there, Wellhausen and DeWett were still living/and or living memory when it was written, and so many of the foundational arguments that still shape the discussion are being articulated for the first time in its pages.


My personal favorite is Jeff Tigay’s JPS Torah CommentaryThis commentary has all the hallmarks of a “life’s work” kind of volume. Tigay has poured his heart and soul into this piece, brought together classic commentary with the Rabbis and theologically sensitive, common sense commentary.

I also really appreciate Moshe Weinfeld’s, Anchor Bible Commentary on Deuteronomy 1-11. Full of formative argumentation and an outstanding translation (unfortunately chapters 12-34 never happened).


In this category, my first choice is Gordon McConville’s Apollos Old Testament Commentary. It is extremely thorough and majors on the text itself (as opposed to history of scholarship, etc.). Once again the reader is privileged to peruse a “life’s work” sort of investment.


My favorite non-technical commentary these days is Chris Wright’s Deuteronomy: Understanding the Bible Commentary. Wright’s expertise in ethics brings an important lens to the study of the book, and it is expressly readable.


Be sure to check out some of the many resources in Old Testament studies developed by Dr. Richter! 


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