5 ways Gary Johnson and the Libertarians would destroy America

5 ways Gary Johnson and the Libertarians would destroy America July 26, 2016

2. He supports the TPP and crony capitalism

In an interview with Politico, Johnson came out in favor of the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade agreement that many have accused of silencing free speech by expanding criminal punishment for publishing “trade secrets” and violating copyright.

It has also been viewed as “crony-capitalism” incarnate. Those are actually the words of Johnson himself. Just two weeks after saying that he suddenly had a change of heart and came out in favor of the rotten deal.

“It is my understanding that the TPP does advance free trade,” says Johnson, “Is it a perfect document? Probably not. But based on my understanding of the document, I would be supporting it [though] in a perfect world there wouldn’t be a document like that, there would just be free trade.”

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