August 3, 2014

  Oh Hello. Imagine my surprise when Jen “Something Other Than God” Fulwiler mentioned me and my post on Edel, by name, in her Edel reflection post. My surprise looked something like me blurting out an expletive while holding my son on my lap and having to wipe coffee from the laptop screen. I was floored that Jen found my reflections worthy of helping her to describe her own thoughts on this amazing weekend that she and Hallie envisioned. So... Read more

July 29, 2014

Ready to go! Roomate selfie! The awesome Calah Fangirl getting my books signed Beautiful “Ascension” bracelet gifted to me by the sweet Mary Voss of Christian Bling Their stuff is so beautiful, and all hand-made. I even had to order this one, since Bernadette is my patron saint. Bangs twin selfie with one of the loveliest people ever, Hallie. Rocking glow sticks like it’s prom with the beautiful Bonnie I met so many beautiful women, and even if we only... Read more

July 27, 2014

Here you are now/ fresh from your wars/ back from the edge of time/ and all that you were stripped to the bone/I thought you’d want to know When you feel the world is crashing all around your feet/ come running headlong into my arms/ breathless/I’ll never judge you/I can only love you/come now running headlong into my arms breathless Lay down your guns/too weak to run/nothing can harm you here/and your precious heart broken and scarred somehow you made... Read more

July 14, 2014

  New parishioner welcome packet, which includes a DVD about the importance of the Mass   Yesterday, our family joined a new parish. Gulp. This may not seem all that radical, but for us, it is huge. We have been attending the same parish for five years, and we love that parish. The Mass there is done with reverence, beauty, and the people there are kind and we are so blessed to be part of a wonderful community there. We... Read more

June 27, 2014

7. Did you hear? This very night, on the Disney Channel, Girl Meets World is premiering! Corey and Topanga, and all grown up and married. The girl in question? Their daughter. I know, right? Who else is going to watch this and desperately hope for at least one Feeney appearance? 6. Usborne Books Back in March, I hosted an online book party for Molly’s Usborne business. I was happy to do so, since it is my dearest ambition in life... Read more

June 26, 2014

As I promised earlier this week, here is the banana bread recipe that’s taken our household by storm. We are averaging about one loaf per week. And by we, I mostly mean Atticus and I because Maggie doesn’t eat a ton of it, though she does like it. Now, this is *not* one of those blogs where I have a million pictures of me making the recipe, because really, if you need a picture of someone dumping stuff into a... Read more

June 25, 2014

Last Monday was Atticus’ birthday, just one day after Father’s Day. The children were so thoughtful this year, and Daddy is the newest member of Smoking Goose’s Bacon of the Month Club. He also received some framed masterpieces from our Artist in Residence, Maggie. We started the birthday/father’s day weekend of fun with a babysitter and a trip to the local brewery down the street, Black Acre Brewing Company. I drank girly (and delicious) hard cider. It was called Original... Read more

June 10, 2014

I hate daylight savings time. With a fiery passion I usually only reserve for Twilight, olives, and the weeds in my backyard. Why, you ask? Well, if you are asking, you probably don’t have kids. All three of my kids have been infants during the summer, during DST. All three of them are for some reason, very sensitive to the sunlight, leaving me with two infants who aren’t asleep for the night until about 10 p.m. (or later). Someday I’ll... Read more

June 6, 2014

This week’s quick takes are Father’s Day gift ideas that I think are pretty sweet, and that Atticus (and maybe one or two other dads out there) would love to receive. 7. Bring On the Bacon Bacon of the Month Club Yes, this is a real thing. An awesome, bacony-pig thing. Our local butcher/meat market/awesome food place, Goose the Market, has a bacon of the month club, which features such delicacies as chocolate chipotle bacon, pineapple and chile cured bacon,... Read more

June 4, 2014

I love the Health and Beauty area of every drugstore and Target institution. Love it. Like a child in a candy store, I can spend an absurd amount of time looking at lipsticks, lotions, and nail polishes. So today here are my five favorites from the drugstore beauty aisle. The goods. 5. Mascara I have tried no less than one thousand different mascaras in my makeup wearing  years. I’ve tried Clinique, Dior, and spent 25$ and 5$ on it. About... Read more

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