October 28, 2021

Yesterday, Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his administration began plans to build more than 3,000 additional units in 25 of the 130 Jewish settlements in the West Bank in further defiance of international law of settling its own people in what the United Nations, of which Israel is a member, deems “occupied territory.” Most non-Israeli authorities who have been involved in trying to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict agree with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that such further Jewish settlement... Read more

October 23, 2021

Today, the editorial board of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper responded to the Republican Party’s refusal to support the subpoena of ex-President Trump’s advisor Steve Bannon issued by the House select committee investigating the January 6th Capitol riot. Bannon has refused to appear before the committee to testify, saying Trump told him not to by claiming executive privilege. The Democrat-controlled House voted on whether or not to charge Mr. Bannon with “criminal contempt” for refusing to oblige to this congressional... Read more

October 23, 2021

Tragedy struck a Hollywood film set this week that involved leading actor Alec Baldwin. This low-budget, Western movie titled “Rust” was being filmed near Santa Fe, New Mexico, on a ranch. At about 1:00 PM last Thursday, Mr. Baldwin fired a supposed blank from a pistol that he drew from his holster, but instead a bullet discharged from it and fatally struck cimatographer Halyna Hutchins. The projectile then passed through her chest and struck film director Joel Souza who was... Read more

October 21, 2021

In golf, a duffer is a lousy golfer. Many decent golfers don’t want to play golf with duffers. They think about how their golf game is affected by the golfers they play golf with, and if they play golf with duffers, they think they will play like a duffer. Or, to apply this idea to life in general, if you hang with low lifes, you’ll become one yourself. Conversely, many golfers think that if they play golf with golfers who... Read more

October 20, 2021

Elon Musk to Warren Buffett: “If you want to get rich, you should buy Tesla stock.” Buffett: “Wrong! I should build an electric vehicle company.” Musk: “Wrong! You’re too late.” Buffett: “Wrong! I’d do it on Mars.” Musk: “Wrong! I’ve got that covered already. Plus, I won’t take you there.” Buffett: “Fine friend you are.” Buffett to Charlie Munger: “Heh Charlie, ask Jeff when he’s going to Mars.” Munger: “He says he’s not thinking that far ahead.” Buffett: “Charlie, what... Read more

October 18, 2021

  I’ve blogged before about a mulligan in golf. That’s when you tee off on the first tee and hit a lousy tee shot and then promptly hit another tee shot, and if your second tee shot is better than your first one, you abandon the first ball and play the second ball with no penalty stroke. It’s also called a do-over. But that’s only fun golf, not tournament golf. Ex-U.S. President Donald Trump goes on and on and on... Read more

October 18, 2021

Colin Powell died today at the age of 84 from complications with COVID-19. He had been fully vaccinated. But for some past years, he had been undergoing treatments for a blood cancer known as multiple myeloma, and that resulted in a weak immune system to fight off infection. Apparently, he had a breakthrough COVID-19 infection, though I haven’t seen that reported. Colin Powell was born to Black, immigrant parents from Jamaica who lived in New York. Mr. Powell arose in... Read more

October 17, 2021

The Bible’s New Testament has three pericopees about a man named Nicodemus who had two interesting encounters with Jesus of Nazareth. All three episodes are in only one of the four NT gospels–the Gospel of John. I believe this alone suggests that the sovereign hand of God was revealed in these incidents. And when people read them, they often wonder if Nicodemus did what Jesus told him to do–be born again. Nicodemus was a prominent Jewish man who came to... Read more

October 17, 2021

Four-time major winner Rory McIlroy shot a six-under par 66 today to overtake leader Rickie Fowler to win the  CJ Cup @ Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada, by one stroke over Collin Morikawa, who shot a ten-under par 62. At 32 years of age, it was McIlroy’s 20th win on the PGA Tour. Rickie Fowler, who started today with a two stroke lead over McIlroy, had the Sunday blues as he double-bogeyed the sixth hole and putted poorly. He tied... Read more

October 17, 2021

I live in Arizona. “Tombstone” is a classic, Hollywood, Western movie that was filmed in 1993. Film critics and actors involved claim “Tombstone” is quite authentically-based. It is about real-life people and events that occurred in Tombstone, Arizona, during 1881. The lead character of the film is Wyatt Earp, played by Kurt Russell. Earp was the sheriff of Tombstone and a renown gambler. The leading, supporting figure in the film is John Henry “Doc” Holliday, played by Val Kilmer. Holliday... Read more

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