October 16, 2021

  Rickie Fowler has been missing-in-action for about the past 18 months until today. I wonder if it has been because he got married. Oops! Nothing worse can stir up a new bride’s anger on the PGA Tour than that one. Fowler last won on the PGA Tour here close to where I live, at the Waste Management Phoenix Open in 2019. Regarded at the time as a budding superstar, the popular and colorful dresser sank down to his present... Read more

October 10, 2021

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world” (John 8.12; 9.5). If I had said that, or you had said that, we would be total crackpots! But not Jesus of Nazareth. Just read the New Testament gospels that quote his teaching and tell of his healings and exorcisms. Jesus was one-of-a-kind. I don’t see how anyone can read those documents with an open mind and not realize that Jesus was indeed “the light of the world.” As I often... Read more

October 8, 2021

I have been an evangelical Christian since college. I was saved in a Nazarene Church when I was thirteen. Many evangelicals would say I’m no longer an evangelical because of the my book, The Restitution of Jesus Christ. In it, as a former Trinitarian for 22 years, I make a very in-depth examination of critical biblical texts to show that the Bible does not identify Jesus as God, rather as the Messiah of Israel, Lord, and Savior. The Christians of... Read more

October 5, 2021

I think former Vice President Mike Pence is making himself look foolish by continuing to speak well of former President Donald Trump. Yet Trump had threatened Pence’s life on January 6th by calling on rioters who stormed the Capitol Building to force Pence to illegally try to overturn the election, which I believe was an attempt at a coup. Last night on Sean Hannity’s Fox News, Mike Pence alleged that the new media is still focusing on the events of... Read more

September 30, 2021

Crunch time is happening all over the U.S. for the approximately 25% of adult Americans who have refused to take a COVID-19 vaccination. Employers are firing the unvaccinated left and right. And it is working. Half or more of such unvaccinated employees are succumbing to taking the shot rather than losing their jobs. Medical experts having been saying all along that the only way to beat this pandemic–and thus for societies throughout the world to get back to normal–is to... Read more

September 29, 2021

I have been perplexed by the title of the book about to be released entitled, I’ll Take Your Questions Now. It is by former President Trump’s communications director and press secretary Stephanie Grisham. She was known for never conducting a televised press event with reporters. But now she will do it with this book. Why? She reveals in the book, “I knew that sooner or later the president would want me to tell the public something that was not true... Read more

September 29, 2021

Many people have not known that Jesus was a Jew. Jesus of Nazareth in Galilee, who lived nearly 2,000 years ago, is clearly the most famous person who has ever lived. For the past more than 1,600 years, Christianity–which purports to be the religion of Jesus or about Jesus–has been the largest religion in the world. Then, how can there be people in this world who don’t know where this guy Jesus came from, that is, where he was born... Read more

September 27, 2021

The Wall Street Journal writer William A. Galston explained (6/8/21) concerning the gap in Republican voters not being vaccinated for COVID as much as Democratic voters, “They understand freedom as being left alone, to make their own choices, and they resent being told what to do.” Well, maybe that’s freedom, but it isn’t community. And in the Bible, community precedes individual freedom for both Israel in the Old Testament and the church in the New Testament. For instance, regarding Israel,... Read more

September 26, 2021

  Just minutes ago, the USA Team trounced the European Team in the Ryder Cup, held this year in the USA at Whistling Straights, Wisconsin, with a score of 19 to 9. Such an overwhelming win sent a message to the opposition that Europe no longer has a lock on winning this biennial event, which they have done in the past 9 out of 12 times. Their success seemed to have been mostly due to a greater fighting spirit than... Read more

September 25, 2021

After Day 2 today, the U.S. Team is leading the European Team in the 2021 Ryder Cup at Whistling Straights in Wisconsin with a big lead: 11 to 5. Tomorrow, all twelve players on each team will play, unlike the first two days when only eight players on each team played. And the competition will be different tomorrow. It will be twelve single matches whereas these two previous days have been only two-man teams. The big talk yesterday was Bryson... Read more

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