Kudos to the New York Times for publishing two excellent articles on Christmas, and on Christmas Eve, of all times.
The first is “Humanizing Jesus” by Peter Wehner. Don’t let the title worry you. This op-ed is not denying the deity of Jesus or turning him into nothing more than a “good teacher.” Rather, Wehner reflects thoughtfully on the true meaning of Christmas, which is God becoming human in Jesus. What a refreshing piece!
The second excellent piece in the Times in a conversation between Nicholas Kristof, frequent op-ed writer, and Timothy Keller, pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, and bestselling author of many fine books. The title of the Times piece, written by Kristof, is: “Am I A Christian, Pastor Timothy Keller?” Keller’s answer won’t please lots of folk, but it is a clear and compelling statement of Christian orthodoxy.
I highly recommend both articles and commend the New York Times for giving voice to classic Christian expressions of faith on this day before Christmas.