Everyone (rightly) assumes sexual harassment is wrong. But why is it wrong? What's the reasoning? Read more
Everyone (rightly) assumes sexual harassment is wrong. But why is it wrong? What's the reasoning? Read more
Do you want to ruin your holiday celebrations? If you do, I have a suggestion. I guarantee it will work. Read more
I recently stumbled upon an article with a striking title: “Your Most Powerful Forgotten Weapon: Gratitude.” Written by David Horsager, this article appears on the Forbes website under the theme of “Leadership.” It does seems to me a bit ironic to refer to gratitude as a weapon. Weapons, after all, generally wound or kill people. Gratitude often heals and gives life. But I get the use of the weapon metaphor in this context. Leadership experts sometimes talk about people having... Read more
I have experienced how much being thankful can make a difference in my own leadership. Read more
Growing up as an evangelical Christian, I experienced Lent as little more than a joke. “What are you giving up for Lent?” my friends would ask. “Homework,” I’d say with a smirk, or “Obeying my parents.” Lent was one of those peculiar practices demanded of Roman Catholics – another great reason to be Protestant, I figured. It never even occurred to me that Lent was something I might actually be interested in, or benefit from, or decide to keep, or... Read more
What is Ash Wednesday? For most of my life, I didn’t ask this question, nor did I care about the answer. I, along, with most evangelical Christians in America, didn’t give Ash Wednesday a thought. But then, in 2004, Ash Wednesday loomed large in American Protestant consciousness. Why? Because on that day Mel Gibson released what was to become his epic blockbuster, The Passion of the Christ. For the first time in history, the phrase “Ash Wednesday” was on the... Read more
The title of a recent article in the New York Times caught my eye: “The Future of Not Working.” Annie Lowrey describes in detail a new, tech-inspired effort to fight poverty. GiveDirectly uses mobile phones to provide some villagers living in Kenya with a modest, guaranteed income. This test of so-called “universal income” is not without it problems, according to Lowrey, but it seems to have an overall positive impact on the the lives of those who struggle with extreme poverty.... Read more
The Christian season of Lent begins this week on Ash Wednesday. Throughout the world, many Christians will attend special Ash Wednesday services, where they will be reminded of their mortality and need for a Savior. The imposition of ashes on the foreheads of worshipers is a powerful symbol of the fact that “we have come from dust and to dust we shall return” (Genesis 3:19). If you would like to learn more about Ash Wednesday, you might find helpful a... Read more
Kudos to the New York Times for publishing two excellent articles on Christmas, and on Christmas Eve, of all times. The first is “Humanizing Jesus” by Peter Wehner. Don’t let the title worry you. This op-ed is not denying the deity of Jesus or turning him into nothing more than a “good teacher.” Rather, Wehner reflects thoughtfully on the true meaning of Christmas, which is God becoming human in Jesus. What a refreshing piece! The second excellent piece in the... Read more
I just read a fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine, something I’d recommend to all leaders and managers. “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team” was written by Charles Duhigg, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and bestselling author. This article is an excerpt from Duhigg’s forthcoming book, Smarter, Faster, Better: The Secrets of Being Productive in Life and Business. Honestly, this is the sort of book that I would pass by in airports and avoid like the plague.... Read more