What Is Black Rose Witchcraft?

What Is Black Rose Witchcraft? March 3, 2019

Image Credit: Black Rose Witchcraft | Used With Permission

The Black Rose School of Witchcraft is a unique learning experience for modern practitioners of the craft who wish to dive deeper into the occult mysteries. With a combined knowledge base of over 75 years we are founded by three of today’s leading teachers on the subject: Storm Faerywolf, Chas Bogan, and Devin Hunter.

Chas Bogan

Chas Bogan is an artist and mystic having studied and practiced many diverse forms of metaphysics for the past 28 years. That experience is reflected in his art which ranges from the design of divination tools to various other forms of sacred expression. His shamanic talents have led him to create various collections of spiritual supplies created for Modern Conjure Brand such as Baths, Oils, Powders, Waters, and more. He is available for spiritual consultations in which he serves his clients in his capacity as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Rootworker, Card Reader, Conjure Doctor, and teacher of various magical arts. He is the author of The Secret Keys of Conjure.

Storm Faerywolf

Storm Faerywolf is a teacher, artist, poet, warlock, priest, and initiate of the Faery tradition of witchcraft. With almost thirty years of experience practicing the Craft and teaching for more than twenty, Storm has lead open circles, given lectures, and taught both public and private classes in the San Francisco Bay Area and across the U.S. He holds the Black Wand and is the founder of BlueRose, his own school and lineage within the Faery Tradition, offering classes both in-person and online. Storm is also an initiate in several other traditions of witchcraft, spirituality, and energy healing, including various lineages of Reiki where is is a Master/Teacher. He is the author of The Stars Within the Earth, Betwixt & Between, and The Forbidden Mysteries of Faery Witchcraft.

Devin Hunter

Devin Hunter is a professional witch and the resident House Medium at The Mystic Dream in Walnut Creek, Ca. He holds third-degree initiations in both the Northern Star Tradition of Wicca as well as the Dianic Tradition of Witchcraft (the Cult of Diana) and is the founder of his own tradition, Sacred Fires. His AV Club favorited podcast, the Modern Witch, has helped thousands of people from all over the world discover and develop their magical abilities. Devin is currently teaching with the Black Rose School of Witchcraft and is the reigning Master of Ceremonies at the New Orleans Witches’ Ball. He is the author of The Witch’s Book of Power, The Witch’s Book of Spirits, and The Witch’s Book of Mysteries.

What makes Black Rose Witchcraft unique?

Our lessons contain threads of magic from the Feri Tradition, Dianic Witchcraft, Wicca, and Modern Conjure. This means that our material has been flushed out and enhanced to bring our students the most well rounded approach to the craft possible. The content presented here is the very best from the past ten years of teaching classes both online and in-person.

Another thing that makes us unique is that we teach this same material at our physical location as well as online. Unlike other schools we have been teaching magic, metaphysics, and the occult in our Walnut Creek, CA location for over twenty years, making us one of the most trusted and sought after resources in the field today. When you join Black Rose you are joining an established organization with real life experience.

What can a student expect from Black Rose Witchcraft?

In this thirteen-month course you will be exposed to various practices of magic, spirituality, and witchcraft which are informed by several different yet resonant schools of traditional magical praxis. This course draws on the knowledge and experience of three different teachers of the Craft who each are initiates in various forms of witchcraft both traditional and modern.

Each month you will receive a recorded podcast in which Devin, Chas, and Storm will discuss the philosophies and practices central to that month’s theme. You will then receive weekly lessons pertaining to that theme in the form of written materials and art in PDF format, suitable for printing out and putting in your Book of Shadows. You will also receive pre-recorded trance journeys via MP3s and pre-recorded rituals that you will perform alongside.

Some lessons will require the performing of certain rituals in which simple materials, such as candles, salt, and some herbs may be required. These items may be purchased at The Mystic Dream or your local occult shop. Some lessons will require focused writing or even the creation of art. You will be expected to record your experiences with this work in a personal journal as well as participate in the online forums by posting a weekly check-in and commenting to at least 2 other class member’s posts.

For those individuals who may wish to augment this work with private sessions we have made available to active students of Black Rose 1/2 off our normal hourly rate. You will be given special instructions on how to book these sessions with us. These extra sessions are not required but can be used to better help you with certain aspects of the work either by having us personally lead you in trance, or simply to have a deeper discussion than email generally allows for.

During the course of this class you will be expected to engage in a regular meditative practice, perform certain rituals, keep a journal, participate in the online discussions, and even create art. Since there is no homework to turn in you are responsible for making sure that you perform the rites to the best of your ability. In this class, as in life, you will get out precisely what you put in. There are no substitutes for experience.

Members are given access to the Black Rose Group; a private area of the Mystic Dream Academy where members can discuss their experiences with the work, share spells or poetry, engage in conversations both Craft-related and non, as well as access our collection of correspondences, view the Black Rose Events Calendar, and more.

Once Initiated, can the initiated initiate others into the lineage?

No. The Black Rose initiation can be viewed as similar to a “first degree” which, traditionally, does not confer the authority to initiate others. Black Rose is a beginning-level school. For those that wish to pursue a lineage in the priesthood of the Craft there are two options for further intensive study: Sacred Fires and BlueRose. BlueRose is a school and lineage of the Faery (sometimes called “Anderson Feri”) tradition, founded by Storm Faerywolf, that traces directly back to the late Victor & Cora Anderson. Sacred Fires is Devin Hunter’s tradition that incorporates elements from Northern Star Wicca, Dianic Witchcraft (Cult of Diana), as well as elements of traditional Faery. The lineage of Sacred Fires begins with Devin but energetically draws from those older lineaged elements. Both the BlueRose and Sacred Fires trainings draw from the beginning work that is offered in Black Rose and are each structured differently.

Why online Classes? How are distant initiations possible?

Online classes give us the ability to reach anyone with an internet connection and the desire to learn. In person classes often limit a class size and student pool due to the need for students to be in proximity.

The Black Rose initiation is a ceremony designed to awaken the “witch power”; the hidden potential in certain individuals to direct the primal forces of the world and bend them to their will.

This initiation can be viewed as similar to a “first degree” as commonly found in 3 degree systems such as Wicca. For those that wish to pursue a lineage in the priesthood of the Craft there are two options for further intensive study: Sacred Fires and BlueRose.

Long distance training and even initiation into some forms of the Craft can easily be achieved by following a few simple guidelines. What is necessary is not physical location, but presence of mind. For the trained witch or warlock, most of the tools that we have learned in a more traditional setting can be easily adapted for a remote session. First and foremost, what is necessary is to establish a shared mental and spiritual space. This is a simple matter of connecting the teacher and student using the technology that is available to us today. This can be done using video conferencing systems, such as Google Hangouts, FaceTime, or Skype, or even audio-only options such as over the phone.

What is required to to create a spiritual space using all the same techniques for altering consciousness with which we are familiar in our Craft, such as meditation, breath work, chanting, and the like. Once the consciousness of both teacher and student have been adequately altered, then the steps necessary to pass the deeper mysteries are largely the same as for an in-person meeting. While certain things cannot currently be directly conveyed (the scent of a certain incense or resin, for example) even this can be achieved by requiring the student to have said incense available on their end.

Working with tools, participating in chanting or other ritual actions, are largely identical to that performed in a more traditional physical setting. Even actions such as anointing with oils can be approximated using guided imagery, relying on the skills of the teacher to lead a journey in trance. Once one considers that even in a physical-only setting the bulk of the transformation that occurs is on the inner planes, one can begin to relax into the idea that passing such knowledge without regard to physical location need not be a source of anxiety or puzzlement, but is a natural evolution of our skills as witches, and a necessary one to address the growing needs of a populace that is seeking genuine knowledge and training in our Craft, but who would otherwise have no access to a quality teacher based on their location.

A Course In Modern Conjure is also an available course that doesn’t require a student to go through Black Rose Witchcraft. What is A Course In Modern Conjure?

A Course In Modern Conjure is the collaborative curriculum of Chas Bogan and Storm Faerywolf, both experienced root workers with individual Conjure doctoring practices. Having repeatedly taught this course at our store The Mystic Dream, we have reworked their lessons to suit an online setting, integrating new materials such as art, music and video in order to enhance their teaching. You will be encouraged to work hands-on with various herbs, curios, oils, and other magical paraphernalia. Our study will focus on various traditions of American folklore, such as Hoodoo, Southern Conjure, Pow-Wow, and more, including work with various written texts such as the King James Bible and certain Grimoires.

Blue Rose Faery is an apprenticeship course available after Black Rose Witchcraft. Can you explain first what the Faery/Feri Tradition is and what Blue Rose Faery is?

F(a)eri(e) is a form of American Traditional Witchcraft derived from the teachings of Victor and Cora Anderson and passed down through their various initiates. A rich and diverse spiritual art, Feri seeks to transform the individual through practices of ritual magic, meditation, and energy work. Faery draws power from various cultures and their magical systems including Huna; Conjure; Voodoo; Tantra; Celtic Folklore; Christian Mysticism; Yezidi Mythology; Greek Gnosis; and others, and continues to integrate the magic and mysteries of ancient and evolving cultures into its rich spiritual tapestry.

BlueRose is a teaching coven and lineage founded by Storm Faerywolf of the Faery tradition. It consists of three parts: An open outer court, an intermediary school, and an inner mystery priesthood.

The inner priesthood consists of a growing body of initiates who each take the tools and power of Faery in new directions. The  outer court is the Temple of Faery which exists as a Faery tradition church, offering prayers, magic, and information about magic and spirit to the general public. The school offers deep and personal training in traditional Faery/Feri witchcraft using discussion, ritual, reading and written assignments, art projects, and more. It is offered in two basic forms: in person classes (located in Walnut Creek, CA), and long distance (which offers written lessons, MP3s, live group video sessions, and some private sessions online.)

Some who embark upon this path will be lead to initiation into the Feri priesthood and find their place in our diverse and unconventional company. Others will find just another step upon their individual path. We hold both as sacred and strive to embody the paradox of respecting the mystery of our priesthood while remaining open in our approach.

The Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft is an apprenticeship course available after Black Rose Witchcraft. What is The Sacred Fires Tradition of Witchcraft?

Sacred Fires is a modern lineage founded by Devin Hunter, that incorporates elements from Northern Star Wicca, Dianic Witchcraft (Cult of Diana), as well as elements of Faery tradition. Our path is winding and ever churning, always presenting us with challenges that we must find a way through. To us, the crooked path is bitter and sweet, it is full of trials but also full of reward. By using our witch power to tap into the preternatural and divine forces we can undergo the process of soul forging.

Our magic is heavily based on the development of the psychic abilities of the witch, especially the mediumistic. When we say we walk a Familiar Path, we mean that we do not walk this path alone, all Sacred Fires witches are taught to work with a special spirit companion known as a familiar. We are known for our unique bonds to these spirits and regard them highly in our personal and traditional work.

Our magic teaches us to wield large amounts of power and energy. Because of this the training process can be rigorous and daunting at times. We have high standards and expect our initiates and students to rise to them in order to meet the challenges presented by this work. We learn to wield this power through deep personal transformation and sacrifice and it requires us to give of ourselves fully in order to obtain our ultimate outcome.

Sovereignty is a key value for us in Sacred Fires. Each of us believes that we are heirs to the magical throne of Diana and Dianus, the gods of our tradition and keepers of the magical wealth. With the help of their daughter Aradia, we are guided through our work in which we cultivate sovereignty and forge the lives we want through magic and mastery. Only those who seek to claim the crown have a right to it.

Our magic is conveyed through a shared shamanic and ecstatic experience, real life experience, and personal will power. Each flame gives us tools to forge our own souls path. Through each of the fires we dismantle the armor and shed our skin, ultimately being reborn as gods ourselves and creators of our own souls path.

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