May 25, 2019

This was recently shared with me.  It was given to Mormon youth, as young as 11 in the Austin, TX area, during a presentation on celestial marriage by a therapist. No better way to create all the problems we want to avoid. Great tool for sexual shame. Great tool for increased anxiety. Great tool to increase, instead of decrease unwanted behavior. Great way to make sure every single kid will fail at something on this list. And great way to... Read more

May 23, 2019

Looks like some of the language is starting to shift at least in the right direction in regards to safety measures within LDS church functions/services. This is thanks to the efforts of many who bring concerns to the table on a regular basis without acknowledgment… and instead often face ostracism and discipline. Also it’s unfortunate that these types of changes aren’t announced from the pulpits; that these changes are done in quiet ways… (not sure why… maybe to avoid embarrassment... Read more

May 21, 2019

I’ve considered for a while now how people are treated when they leave church communities or shift in their beliefs. It seems like the more orthodox a religion, the more poorly this is done… with potential rifts in relationships, disciplinary actions, shared anger and angst, etc. Mormonism is no exception. Although most church communities celebrate newcomers, ignoring that they too just said goodbye to something in order to say hello to us…. I do not see a similar acknowledgment of... Read more

May 16, 2019

As the Church announced that people in the USA and Canada will now be able to do a sealing ceremony in the temple regardless of whether or not they do a civil ceremony in other settings, I’ve seen both responses of celebration and also sadness. When shifts like this happen… it’s positive for those going forward… and also brings back sadness or resentment for those for which the changes came “too little, too late.” We celebrate with mixed feelings, because... Read more

May 14, 2019

I very much appreciated these thoughts from a believing spouse and his reactions to President Nelson’s recent talk discussing eternal families. The way he speaks about his wife and how he chooses to frame doctrinal teachings prioritizes relational health and allows for the humility of the “unknown.” Meaning, we don’t have everything figured out about the afterlife and we shouldn’t treat families experiencing diversity in their beliefs like we do. These are the types of perspectives I hope many of... Read more

May 11, 2019

I just wrote a piece about being accountable for the things we write on “comments” sections. My friend Jen Blair speaks to this issue as well. “Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is exactly the opposite of what ends up happening. I see comments sections as part of “online bullying” and when it’s done by adult members of our church I am horrified, saddened and concerned for the implications. Today’s guest post is... Read more

May 9, 2019

Social media often gets blamed for the isolation that’s so common in our society today. But just like I say about a lot of sexual things… stop blaming the “thing”. Let’s talk about HOW we’re USING “the thing” Here are a few thoughts I had as I listened at the recent #MOKAN conference I attended (which had to do with helping people with suicidal ideation): Scrolling isn’t a healthy way to use social media. Neither is comparison to other people’s “best... Read more

May 8, 2019

I speak of the issue of religious bias clouding therapists’ perspectives on a regular basis. In fact, I’m asked to present about this topic for ethics presentations on a regular basis in University training programs as well as mental health conferences. Glad to be able to share another therapist’s perspectives on the same topic. The LDS Living article he speaks of is problematic on many levels. Please be a critical thinker when you seek professional services. It can be very... Read more

May 7, 2019

I have known Mary for several years now, have presented with her, have attended her presentations and I just love her style, her approach and her expertise. Here she speaks of the importance of having grace for each other as men and women in regards to the very common experience of male pleasure being prioritized or experienced at higher rates than women’s. Although I know masturbation is a sensitive topic in our culture, I’ve written about my positions on this... Read more

May 3, 2019

Mette Harrison put effort in gathering names to support this important position statement she drafted which is posted on Medium. I have her permission to share here as well. If you would like to add your name to the list please email Mette at Today’s guest post is written by Mette Ivie Harrison. Opinions shared on guest posts may not completely reflect the positions of the blog’s author.   Mette Ivie Harrison writes The Bishop’s Wife mystery series for SoHo Press and was... Read more

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