NLQ Question of the Week: Why Do QF Parents Assume Every Child’s Motivation is Evil?

NLQ Question of the Week: Why Do QF Parents Assume Every Child’s Motivation is Evil? February 2, 2017

QuestionoftheweekThis is a series we run every Thursday. The questions are things that people who may not know much about the Quiverfull movement or even Fundamentalist or Evangelical Christianity ask about the lifestyle. Examining some of the questions involving Quiverfull theology and life can only shine a light on the toxic nature of this lifestyle choice.

I’ve been thinking about this topic for a long time now. I’ve noticed that in many Evangelical and Quiverfull circles that any type of behavior or attitude that does not 100% line up with what the parent thinks is proper is judged to come from the most evil of motivations. Why this assumption that a tantrum is stubborn rebellion or demonic instead of a place of lack of sleep, hunger or frustration? There’s a real danger when you start to assume that all motivations are evil and rebellious that you could end up in a life and death situation disciplining a child.

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