Quoting Quiverfull: Sexually Assault Victims Need to Buy a Gun?

Quoting Quiverfull: Sexually Assault Victims Need to Buy a Gun? June 1, 2017

DougWilsonDutchUncleby Doug Wilson from Blog and Mablog – An Unfair World

Editor’s note: So there’s just too much awful to quote it all in one sitting. The unquoted bits claim there are two types of people in the wake of bad things happening, the resentment approach or the responsibility approach (which sounds like the real victim blaming from here). Guess which one that Dougie-Boy is pushing? Responsibility approach, where later on he advises this poor supposedly rape victim to tell anyone trying to push what he calls the resentment approach that she’s buying a gun and getting a concealed weapon permit. He goes on to whine that those evil secularist ‘Resentment’ folks are accusing him of ‘Victim-Blaming.” He has it backwards I think, he’s on the real resentment side and everyone else insisting that we do not tolerate Patriarchal Rape Culture are the responsible ones.

So your questions are fair, and totally to be expected. If I understand you rightly, you believe that it is grossly unfair that you, already victimized by a predatory male, have to be the one who is then exhorted (by Dutch uncles or by anyone else) to watch for this and to be careful about that. Doesn’t this move the burden for avoiding future harassment, or molestation, or even rape, from the perpetrator, where it belongs, to the victim where it most certainly doesn’t? And isn’t this just one step away from blaming the victim, shaming the victim, and so forth? Have I captured your question rightly?

Advocates of the resentment approach will often use lurid statistics in order to motivate us all to take corporate action to fix the societal problem, but the difficulty with their figures is that they prove far too much. For example, those who argue that we live in a patriarchal “rape culture,” are saying this because they want programs and measures and laws that will (so they say) deal with these problems in the culture at large. But in the meantime, when they say that one in four women attending college will be raped, what they are telling me as a father is that I would be out of my mind to send my daughter to college. Those are terrible odds.

But if I respond that way, I immediately find myself attacked for “blaming the victim.”

QUOTING QUIVERFULL is a regular feature of NLQ – we present the actual words of noted Quiverfull leaders, cultural enforcers and those that seek to keep women submitted to men and ask our readers: What do you think? Agree? Disagree? This is the place to state your opinion. Please, let’s keep it respectful – but at the same time, we encourage readers to examine the ideas of Quiverfull and Spiritual Abuse honestly and thoughtfully.

moreRead more by Doug Wilson

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