Joy Filled Wife – Morality Device or Real Person?

Joy Filled Wife – Morality Device or Real Person? November 17, 2018

One of the things I find the most fascinating about the Quiverfull female cultural enforcers is how many of them seem to have no problem with morality devices. What do I mean morality devices? The letters that Debi and Michael Pearl publish in their No Greater Joy Magazine that are purportedly from the public.

Once you start reading through the letters they are answering it becomes clear that perhaps the letters are not from others. Some of the letters seem more like a very convenient vehicle to springboard whatever it is Michael or Debi might want to genuinely discuss.

Lori Alexander has someone she publishes that also reads more like a morality device that a real person. An author she calls ‘The Joy Filled Wife.’ For someone that routinely sounds off on Lori’s favorite topics she has no blog, no other links, or places she posts. Seems odd for someone with so much to say about submission and marriage. She trots out once in a while on Lori’s old blog ‘Always Learning,’ and now on her ‘The Transformed Wife’

Yesterday Lori quoted The Joy Filled Wife again in a piece titled, ‘When His Life Is Out Of Control’. I was initially confused by this post because it was supposed to be only the first paragraph by Lori Alexander with the rest by Joy Filled. But it wasn’t obvious to my coffee-needing sleep addled mind. Take a quick peek and tell me if it’s not clear where what ends and another begins.

Please, for the love of all that is Holy and legible start using a differing font for quotes or use the quote function because this reads like Lori’s book. Jumping around like a frog on meth. There’s nothing here to indicate when Lori is talking, and when the narrative switches to Joy Filled. I guess we’re supposedly to automatically assume the paragraph after the opening one is not Lori.

That bit about not being able to share any information about the counselors is suspicious. Why not simply indicate what traditional they follow? Are they associated with a certain denomination? Do they practice a certain type of unusual therapy?

Add in that much of this is lifted directly from another posting by Joy Filled on another Lori posting. Nothing much original or different here.

But this weirdness is not half as concerning as this paragraph by Joy Filled:

No! This ‘advice’ is abusive! If your husband is trying that drastically to control every bite of food you eat you are in an abusive relationship! And your counselor needs to lose their license for approving any such strategy.

I’ve been seeing for several years that others are convinced that The Joy Filled Wife is just Lori under a differing guise and I’ve been unconvinced. Now I believe she may be indulging in the same thing as the Pearls and Nancy Campbell, a morality device or character.

I think these folks have some limited and limiting circles of acquaintances, and must invent these characters in order to expound on what they really want to talk about. Clearly Lori loves to expound on sexual problems, submission and even being forbidden to eat certain items although I seriously doubt Ken forbids her anything food. But Lori has certainly made a stink about what Ken does and does not eat in the past.

Here’s the thing about morality devices and Christians. If you’re not being upfront about it and saying that this is a composite of people, or some undisclosed person you know, or spun out of thin air to prove a point it’s a type of lying. Lying for the Lord is still lying and still one of the Ten Commandments.

What do you think? Are these Pearl letters real or not? What’s your opinion on the reality of The Joy Filled Wife?

ETA: Dear Stephanie of The Girl With The Dragonfly Tattoo blog. Please stop putting all comments that say women enjoy sex, or disliking something by Lori Alexander into the Spam Queue.

Frankly I’m amused that you have a dragonfly tattoo. Oh, if you only knew about the violent sex and flying sperm, sperm, sperm of constant dragonfly sex you’d be gouging that tattoo right off. Stop being so repressed!

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About Suzanne Titkemeyer
Suzanne Titkemeyer went from a childhood in Louisiana to a life lived in the shadow of Washington D.C. For many years she worked in the field of social work, from national licensure to working hands on in a children's residential treatment center. Suzanne has been involved with helping ithe plights of women and children' in religious bondage. She is a ordained Stephen's Minister with many years of counseling experience. Now she's retired to be a full time beach bum in Tamarindo, Costa Rica with the monkeys and iguanas. She is also a thalassophile. She also left behind years in a Quiverfull church and loves to chronicle the worst abuses of that particular theology. She has been happily married to her best friend for the last 32 years. You can read more about the author here.

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