What Shall We Make of the Weeping Madonna?

What Shall We Make of the Weeping Madonna? July 19, 2018

The Washington Post reports here about a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary that is weeping perfumed olive oil.

The image is a statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe–itself a miraculous image that is venerated in Mexico.

As usual, Catholics take a common sense view of such phenomena. We are encouraged to look for all natural explanations first, but not to rule out the supernatural. We are to be skeptical but not cynical–believing but not gullible.

When these things happen most people will try to understand them not only as supernatural events, but as supernatural signs.

What should we make of the weeping Madonna?

Our Lady of Guadalupe is the patroness not only of Mexico, but of North America. Shall we say she is weeping about the terrible state of affairs in Mexico with drug cartels, violence and poverty? Shall we suggest she is weeping over the suffering of the poor in Central America? Shall we say she is weeping over the treatment of poor migrant workers? Our Lady of Guadalupe is portrayed as a pregnant woman and is therefore also the patroness of the pro life mission. Is she weeping over the crime of abortion?

She is weeping perfumed olive oil–used for baptisms and ordinations. Is she praying for more conversions and vocations to the priesthood?

No doubt all these things can be applied to the phenomenon.

I think it is too easy to project our own prayers, intentions and agendas on to the situation.

Best to simply sit back and wonder and thank God for strange signs and wonders.

I’ve written more about it here in an article called Weird Things Happen

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