The Power of Podcasting

The Power of Podcasting December 19, 2018

I’ve always been amazed at the power of the blog. You can write an article and post it instantly for worldwide publication.

Podcasting has become easier and easier and over at my main blog I have now started several different podcast series. You can listen to a twenty three part series on church history called Triumphs and Tragedies or Stories of the Unexpected –true stories of the marvelous, miraculous and weird. Some of the series are for Donor Subscribers to my blog.

Others, as they are produced are posted first on the blog and then on the various free podcasting channels: Google Podcasts, BreadBox Media, Podbean, Apple Podcasts and others. You can listen to the podcasts free on those outlets.

Why not go over to my blog and check out what is on offer? This page explains how to use podcasts. Its super easy. Go here for more info.

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