November 12, 2020

Every time I think about how God redirected my steps, I’m reminded that His plans are so much greater than mine. Read more

November 10, 2020

Parents, I have some encouraging news for you. Although we’re all suffering from just a smidge of PTSD this year, we have also learned some really important lessons. And I’m not just talking about discovering that the kids won’t interrupt your Zoom meetings if you hide in your laundry closet. I’m talking about some crucial truths that have been left standing when everything else has been shaken. Especially for those of us who have kids at home. We’ve all been... Read more

November 5, 2020

Hello Friends, November ushers us into a season when we are more intentional about reflecting on all we have to be thankful for. This year, especially, let’s keep that tradition and place our focus on gratitude, kindness, and joy. And I am very grateful for you! As an expression of thanks, here’s a small gift—an excerpt from my latest devotional, Find Joy. Read more

November 3, 2020

In a few hours, the polls will close. And for the next few days or weeks, we’ll all have a choice to make: how are we going to handle the outcome of the election? Especially if the “outcome” means flying through intense political turbulence, as simmering frustrations, uncertainties and fears boil over around us. If—or more likely, when—we see that turmoil, let’s resolve to be characterized by something very different. No matter what is going on around us, and no... Read more

October 29, 2020

Friends, I am so excited to finally share with you my latest devotional, Find Joy: A Devotional Journey to Unshakable Wonder in an Uncertain World. Isn’t the cover simply gorgeous? The designer did such an amazing job. The artwork inside is just as inspiring. And the 60 daily devotions are sure to encourage you—and take you on an important journey. Little did I know as I was writing this devotional in 2019 just how different 2020 would be. And how... Read more

October 27, 2020

Current circumstances have definitely made shopping a little more complicated. If it’s not with masks and social distancing, it’s online shopping for everything from groceries to mattresses to everything in between! (Sooooo many boxes being delivered, am I right?) But what might have stayed exactly the same is the negative reaction you get from your husband when you arrive home from your latest run to the big-box store or yet another Amazon delivery appears at the front door. For some... Read more

October 22, 2020

I recently shared my outlook on the upcoming presidential election, our national discord, the possibility of a drawn-out election process with even more division afterwards, and the responsibility of Christians to point others to Christ in the midst of it all. (If you missed it, check out Part 1 and Part 2.) This is particularly crucial when the division hits close to home. We talk about “ramping up to the election,” but because of early voting the election is well... Read more

October 1, 2020

This is the second article of a two-part series. Part 1 shared why it is highly possible we will not know who our next president is for many weeks after election day and thus might go through an explosive, contentious time. That article encouraged pastors, leaders and individuals to help set the expectations of their congregation, followers or friends, and think ahead about the big picture of how to respond. Part 2 is about our own personal response. Two weeks... Read more

September 23, 2020

In the pre-electronic age, wherever people clustered together and built community buildings (city halls, schools, churches) the most central one usually had a bell tower. Someone would pull the rope and ring the bell as a morning alarm, or as notice that church was about to start, or in celebration. But the most intense, long pealing was used as a warning—Fire! Attack! Flood! It was used to jerk the listener out of their daily routine so they could race to... Read more

September 12, 2020

A friend recently told me about her nephew’s much-delayed wedding. First, it was going to be in April 2020. Then when the pandemic shut everything down and their scattered family couldn’t safely gather, they postponed it to June. Then August. And now, my friend just reported, the couple has booked a date in November. But there’s one little difference—which is actually huge. They’ve decided that will be the day no matter what. Even if some of their dearest family members... Read more

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