Miss Tennessee Tells Planned Parenthood’s Lies on the Miss America Stage

Miss Tennessee Tells Planned Parenthood’s Lies on the Miss America Stage September 15, 2015


The lies of the abortion industry never ceases to amaze me. And this time they are being preached from the stage of the Miss American pageant.

The Daily Signal reports:

Miss Georgia may have won the Miss America pageant, but it’s Miss Tennessee who probably won Planned Parenthood employees’ hearts Sunday night.

That’s because Miss Tennessee, 21-year-old Hannah Robison, helped perpetuate the myth that ending federal funding for Planned Parenthood could hurt women’s access to health care.

Asked if Planned Parenthood should continue to receive federal funding, Robison gave this answer:

I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female care. It goes for scanning for cancer, it goes for mammograms.

And if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.

There are so many things wrong with this, where do I even begin?

First, Planned Parenthood does not preform mammograms. Not a single Planned Parenthood clinic offers mammograms!  So many articles and fact-checkers have debunked this myth yet still Planned Parenthood supporters keep proclaiming it as fact.  It’s just not true!

Secondly, Miss Tennessee has bought in, hook line and sinker, to Planned Parenthood’s main talking point that women won’t be able to get health care if Planned Parenthood were to close.  Again, this is a lie!  The Alliance Defending Freedom released a super helpful map recently that shows that for every 1 Planned Parenthood Clinic there are 20 other women’s health facilities that do not perform abortions and are ready to provide healthcare to women in need!

Finally, the question that judge Vanessa Williams asked Miss Tennessee shows just how biased the media and Hollywood is on this issue!  She made no mention at all of the horrific undercover footage of Planned Parenthood selling murdered baby parts which started the whole funding debate in the first place!  Instead, she chose to push her agenda through a clearly leading and partisan question, with complete disregard for context or truth!

It makes me so angry that women who are supposed to represent the best of America use this platform as a way to push the lies of Planned Parenthood and demonize those of us who truly want to protect the rights of women – both unborn baby girls and their mothers!

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