CSL and JFK – Two Jacks

CSL and JFK – Two Jacks November 22, 2014

Two Jacks
Two Jacks

Today is the fifty first anniversary of the death of C.S.Lewis.

He died, of course, on the same afternoon that JFK was gunned down in Texas.

Both men were nicknamed “Jack” and that’s pretty much where the similarity ends.

The two Jacks symbolize two different ways through the world.

Jack Lewis stands for the world of the intellect and imagination.

Jack Kennedy stands for the world of practical power.

Jack Lewis is the man of real faith combined with scholarship.

Jack Kennedy stands for nominal religion and shallow utilitarianism.

Jack Lewis stands for fidelity in love and the ideal of chastity.

Jack Kennedy stands for philandering and the plundering of marriage.

Jack Lewis stands for solid friendships and the loyalty of comradeship.

Jack Kennedy stands for the manipulative machinations of political alliances.

Jack Lewis stands for Old England, Oxford and tradition.

Jack Kennedy stands for New England, Hollywood and innovation.

Jack Lewis stands for poetry and the wonder of childhood.

Jack Kennedy stands for politics and the cynicism of adults.

Jack Lewis stands for Narnia and the Weight of Glory.

Jack Kenney stands for Dallas and the Weight of Corruption.

Jack Lewis stands for Albion and the true Camelot

Jack Kennedy stands for Washington and a false Camelot.

May they both rest in peace.

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