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October 2016
October 11, 2016
There’s No Way In Hell Jesus Would Vote For Donald Trump
Trump has shown us he is depraved, prideful, unremorseful, and has the temperament of a petulant child. His...
August 2016
August 30, 2016
Feds Arrest Massachusetts Man Stockpiling Weapons Plotting to Kill Muslims, Cops, and President Obama
Federal authorities arrest Joseph Garguilo of Massachusetts on charges including stockpiling weapons in what federal...
August 29, 2016
Aide To Hillary Clinton Leaves Husband Anthony Weiner After He Is Caught Sexting With A Trump Supporter
Six years ago, U.S. Representative for New York's 9th district, Anthony Weiner, resigned in shame...
March 2016
March 24, 2016
Five Clinton Endorsements Among North Carolina Anti-LGBTQ Vote
In order to stop a Charlotte City ordinance aimed at expanding protection based on sexual...
December 2015
December 29, 2015
On Tamir Rice: Justice Is Whatever America Can Justify
So long as our system is able to sanitize every one of its corrupt, abusive, and deplorable...
December 02, 2015
The Systematic Castration of the Black Preacher
The black church was born in the crucible of racial oppression in the United States....
November 2015
November 27, 2015
Black Friday Greed And Consumerism: What Thanksgiving Is All About? (VIDEO)
I want you to watch this video and think about the people who just attacked...
November 05, 2015
Ben Carson Insults The Black Community With A Rap Campaign Ad
In 2012, Herman Cain insulted the black community with his ridiculous, jazz music laden ad campaign...
November 03, 2015
For These Politicians To Be Christian They Sure Do A Lot Of Lying
We all accept the idea that politicians lie to get in office. This crosses ideology...
October 2015
October 30, 2015
Dear White People: Please Stop Comparing Ben Carson and President Obama’s Blackness
First Rupert Murdoch and now Jonah Goldberg. Notwithstanding the centuries-old baggage of racial problems, it...
October 24, 2015
A Primer On Why #BlackLivesMatter is Necessary
This week has been difficult as I've traveled to South Florida to participate in the...
October 19, 2015
When The Police Turn Someone You Know Into A Hashtag. #CoreyJones
On Sunday morning, October 19, 2015, an unnamed police officer found my friend Corey Jones...
October 12, 2015
WATCH: This One Video Shows Exactly How Dangerous Christianity Can Be
According to his Twitter profile, Theodore Shoebat is a self-proclaimed "Christian Militant" and "Crusader." In...
October 04, 2015
Christian Narcissism: I Bet You Think This Tragedy Is About You
I've grown weary with the incessant need of some Christians to believe they alone are...
October 01, 2015
UCC Shooter Posted Plans Online Night Before — And Got Advice (IMAGES)
UPDATE: 9:35 PM The shooter has been identified as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer. Officials say...
September 2015
September 29, 2015
How Pope Francis Exposed The Idolatry of Conservative Christianity
Many readers of my blog comment about my bias against conservatism and think that it...
September 08, 2015
Let’s Be Clear: Kim Davis is Pharaoh, Not Moses; Nebuchadnezzar, Not Daniel.
My gag reflex caused me to puke in my mouth a little today as I...
August 2015
August 27, 2015
With Christians Like Ann Coulter, Who Needs A Devil?
I would normally be able to ignore the machinations of Ann Coulter. However, we are...
August 14, 2015
Everything Wrong With Modern Christianity in One Facebook Post
This photo came across my Facebook page, and it reminded me of everything wrong with...
August 11, 2015
Opinion: Since White People Can’t Lecture the #BlackLivesMatter Movement, Allow Me
By Benjamin Dixon No one is above critique. Democrats have, for the past 50 years,...
August 04, 2015
The Bible Doesn’t Have Authority Over The Constitution And Here’s Why That’s Good News (VIDEO)
Ben Carson was asked the "simple" question of whether he believed the Bible has authority...
August 01, 2015
Does the Truth Even Matter Anymore to Conservatives?
Maybe somewhere in an alternate universe there is headline catching the attention of the masses:...
July 2015
July 29, 2015
Our Christian Future: Faith Liberated from Religion
Editors’ Note: This article is part of the Patheos Public Square on the Future of...
July 17, 2015
What Happened To Sandra Bland?
There are so many questions surrounding the death of 28-year-old Sandra Bland. The story in...
July 09, 2015
Please Stop With The Christian Persecution Complex. You’re Embarrassing The Faith
It amazes me how intellectually nimble people can be with regard to one issue while simultaneously...
June 2015
June 25, 2015
Dear Pastors: Just Before You Self-Immolate over Gay Marriage, You Should Know…
It would appear that many of our pastors have a flair for the dramatics. Several...
June 23, 2015
Dear Christians: Save Your Prayers If You Won’t Confront Racism
My father was a pastor for over forty-years. My mother served beside him the entire...
June 18, 2015
When The Devil Comes To Church | Emanuel AME – Charleston, S.C.
What happens when the devil comes to church? What does he find? I can imagine...
June 17, 2015
I Love Being Black. Rachel Dolezal Does Not.
I wanted to wait until I heard Rachel Dolezal speak on her own behalf before I...
June 11, 2015
If Christians Want To End Abortions They Should Stop Getting Them
One of the pillars of the Evangelical marriage to the Republican Party is the Pro-Life...
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