August 29, 2022

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, discussing Raimon’s physical ailment, two years of near-constant pain, and how God heals through the power prayer.

Gospel for Asia discussing Raimon's physical ailment, two years of near-constant pain, and how God heals through the power prayer.
Like the pastor pictured, Pastor Seamus brought hope and help to families in need through the love of God.

When pain first flared in Raimon’s stomach, he immediately journeyed to the hospital. But the doctors could find no remedy for the pain that beset the 31-year-old father of four. When medical treatment didn’t take away the pain, Raimon turned to spiritual treatment.

Two Years of Near-constant Pain

Raimon; his wife, Perley; and their four children lived in a rural village without basic amenities such as clean water. The roads to their village were rough and unpaved, making necessary trips difficult. With the nearest hospital 18 miles away, only an emergency—like Raimon’s sudden pain—could persuade the family to make the trip.

Once Raimon made it to the hospital, however, the doctors had only bad news for him: They had no idea what was affecting him, and they could not offer any help.

So Raimon turned to the local witch doctors, but they could offer no help either, only the pronouncement that the unfortunate father was likely under the spell of black magic. And with that, the family gave up hope. For the next two years, Raimon lay in his bed, enduring the pain and writhing in hopelessness.

The Pastor’s Prayers

As Gospel for Asia (GFA World) pastor Seamus wound his way through the area he served, he came to Raimon’s village. There, the pastor did as always: He offered words of love and encouragement to any who wanted to hear, and he listened to the people’s troubles and prayed for them. Perley, hearing of a man in their village offering prayers for the sick, immediately tracked the pastor down.

After explaining Raimon’s mysterious sickness, Perley begged the pastor to come and pray for her husband. They had tried everything, she said. Nothing had worked.

Pastor Seamus followed Perley to her home. He saw Raimon lying in his bed, writhing in pain. Taking his hand, Pastor Seamus prayed for the ailing man.

Later, the family visited Pastor Seamus’s church for more prayer. Pastor Seamus and the other believers welcomed the family with open arms and prayed for Raimon’s healing. From that day on, Raimon did not suffer from any more stomach pains; he had been totally healed!

After Raimon’s miraculous healing, he and his family expressed to Pastor Seamus that they wanted to learn more about his God. When all other avenues of finding healing and peace had failed, and there was no hope, the Lord had intervened and sent Pastor Seamus to bring healing for Raimon.

Read how a man found healing for his daughter through the prayers of a pastor.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, Prayer Heals Father’s Pains

Learn more about the GFA World national missionary workers who carry a burning desire for people to know the love of God. Through their prayers, dedication and sacrificial love, thousands of men and women have found new life in Christ.

Read more on National Missions and Prayer on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

July 6, 2022

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, discussing Nala, a widow, the desperation her sickness and pain brought, and God’s work through the prayer of a Gospel for Asia (GFA World) pastor that brought healing and transformation.

Discussing a widow, her sickness and pain, and God's work through the prayer of a GFA World pastor that brought healing and transformation.
Nala, her son and daughter-in-law are grateful for the prayers, encouragement and friendship of Pastor Chinua. Their lives will never be the same.

Nala lay helpless in bed. The pain in her spine stubbornly refused to relent, and the widow didn’t have the energy to fight it anymore. For a long time, Nala’s son, Abebe, dutifully escorted her to see various doctors and local religious leaders, looking for a way to relieve her back pain. But the proposed remedies failed to improve Nala’s condition. Nala grew weaker and her family grew poorer as her condition and the expense of seeking a cure took their toll.

As Nala lay wondering if there was anywhere left to turn for help, she received a visit from Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Chinua.

Turning Point

Pastor Chinua lived in Nala’s village. When word of her declining health reached his ears, Pastor Chinua decided to visit Nala and offer her encouragement and hope. Nala and Abebe welcomed Pastor Chinua and a few people from his church into their home. During their visit, the group prayed fervently for Nala’s healing and shared with the despairing woman good news from Scripture.

“Jesus said, ‘Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me,’” Pastor Chinua told her. “Therefore, if you believe in Jesus, He will heal you and bless you. Trust in Him.”

Miraculous Healing

The day after Pastor Chinua’s visit, Nala noticed a decrease in her pain. She told her son, “Through prayers, my health is improving.”

Abebe was surprised by his mother’s quick change in health. He had been by her side as they tried medication after medication, ritual after ritual, to no avail. Now, just one day after Pastor Chinua and his friends prayed, she already experienced a visible improvement.

Watching the effect of prayer evidenced in his mother’s body, Abebe and his wife recognized the power of God. They invited Pastor Chinua to return to their home to pray and answer their questions about this God named Jesus.

Pastor Chinua willingly returned, sharing hope from God’s Word and inviting them to church.

Not only did the family begin attending Pastor Chinua’s church, but they also began hosting a prayer meeting in their home.

“If the pastor did not come to my home, I might have died,” Nala said. “Though I went to consult with many doctors for my health and also sacrificed many animals … for my healing, nothing helped me. Now I understand that it was God’s plan to save my life, and I am getting better day by day.”

Thanks to a compassionate pastor willing to visit his neighbor, Nala and her family are forever changed by the power of prayer to a God who hears and answers.

Sponsor a Missionary like Pastor Chinua.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, Prayer Transforms Widow from Invalid to Hostess

Learn more about the GFA World national missionaries who carry a burning desire for people to know the love of God. Through their prayers, dedication and sacrificial love, thousands of men and women have found new life in Christ.

Learn more about the GFA World Widows Ministry, and how you can help alleviate the many struggles widows face.

Read more on Widows and National Missions on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

November 1, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide – Discussing Abid, his struggle against poverty for his family, and the answered prayer of a bicycle received from a GFA World gift distribution.

Discussing Abid, his struggle against poverty for his family, & the answered prayer of a bicycle received from a GFA World gift distribution.
Abid (not pictured) celebrates the gift of a bicycle, which significantly cut down his travel time to work and afforded him more time with his family.

Day in and day out, Abid walked a long path to work to provide for his wife and their six children. Nearly five miles to work and another five miles home, it took him hours to walk the distance. In between this trek, Abid worked hard for a small daily wage, but he frequently arrived late to work and faced reprimands from his boss.

The disapproving comments from his boss weighed on Abid. The 46-year-old man, known for his smiling face, would return home completely exhausted and agitated by his boss’s scolding.

By the time Abid’s family saw him at the end of the day, he had no energy left and was easily irritated, creating discord at home. When Abid didn’t collapse from exhaustion as soon as he crossed the threshold, he complained about the pain in his body, weary from the hours-long commute.

On Sundays, church was also a lengthy distance from Abid’s home. He often arrived late there as well, his steps slow from fatigue. Soon, Abid stopped attending the worship services altogether.

He was tired of being late everywhere he went, and he was tired of being tired.

Enough Is Enough

What could Abid do? He knew he couldn’t afford to purchase a different mode of transportation or a bus ticket, but something had to change.

Abid decided to pray about his situation. He asked God for a bicycle so he could make it to work and church on time.

Meanwhile, Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Bahari heard about Abid’s difficult commute. He learned of the toll it took on Abid’s body, his family relationships and even his ability to attend Sunday services. Pastor Bahari felt compassion for Abid’s struggles and decided to submit Abid’s name to receive a gift from a GFA gift distribution. Pastor Bahari excitedly presented the two-wheeled treasure to Abid, who received the bicycle with great thankfulness and a joyful heart.

God had answered Abid’s prayers! He was now the proud owner of a new bicycle, just as he had requested.

“I have a big family,” Abid explained. “I get money from the daily [wage] work and buy provision for home. Due to that, I could not buy [a bicycle]. But I thank the church for understanding my need and providing me a good cycle. Now I am on time to work and even for church. Thank you very much.”

The gift of a bicycle has truly changed Abid’s life. With a shortened commute, the bicycle affords him more time with his family and more energy to enjoy their time together. He has no trouble getting to work, and his boss is pleased Abid arrives on time. In addition, Abid now regularly attends church, and he helps family members and neighbors by using his bike to run errands.

Across the globe, countries annually celebrate World Bicycle Day on June 3rd. For Abid, every day he mounts his bike is a good day to thank God for the life-changing gift of the bicycle.

Read Kagiso’s story about a gratefully received gift of tin.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, Mother Receives Skills, Tools to Feed Her Family

Learn more how to demonstrate God’s love through the gift of a Bicycle — to Missionaries, school children, farmers and daily laborers. Through these gifts, people experience Christ’s love.

Learn more about the GFA World national workers who carry a burning desire for people to know the love of God. Through their prayers, dedication and sacrificial love, thousands of men and women have found new life in Christ.

Read more on National Missions and the Christmas Gift Catalog on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

July 26, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide – Discussing a widow, the grim reality of cancer, and the answered prayers that brought miraculous healing through Gospel for Asia’s Sisters of Compassion.

Discussing a widow, the grim reality of cancer, and the answered prayers that brought miraculous healing through Gospel for Asia’s Sisters of Compassion.
Gospel for Asia’s Sisters of Compassion are dedicated to faithful prayer and compassionate care of their friends and neighbors.

The lump on Arleta’s breast nearly brought her to her knees. She’d had enough struggles in life, especially since the passing of her husband. Unfortunately, a trip to the doctor confirmed Arleta’s worst fear: The lump was a cancerous tumor.

The doctors told her she needed surgery, but Arleta couldn’t afford the procedure. She sought a second opinion, searching for another remedy. She took the prescribed medicines and even observed the religious customs she remembered from her childhood, hoping that would help, but nothing did. The cancer continued cutting a destructive path, stealing Arleta’s health and causing the widow deep anxiety.

As she considered her options, Arleta recognized the grim reality she faced. It would take a miracle. Even if she could borrow the money needed for surgery, Arleta was concerned it wouldn’t get rid of cancer. Without her husband or her daughter there to help, Arleta was forced to make an important decision alone.

Meeting Compassion

One day Arleta met four Gospel for Asia (GFA) Sisters of Compassion who served in her neighborhood. They carried booklets bearing titles like “Book of Hope” and “Amazing Doctor” that shared inspiring stories and encouraging words.

Curious, Arleta asked the Sisters about the booklets. As the women conversed, Arleta shared her battle with cancer and the painful experiences she’d endured.

Through their attentive listening and genuine concern, Arleta found women with whom she could share her fears and worries. The Sisters empathized with Arleta and prayed for the weary woman. They also told her about Jesus and His great power to heal. Arleta was encouraged to hear real stories of people healed by Jesus.

From that day, Arleta’s new friends stopped by her house every week to visit. The lonely woman welcomed the sight of the Sisters walking down the road to her home.

Believing for a Miracle

The women helped Arleta with everyday chores and prayed earnestly for her healing. Arleta began to believe she could be one of the people miraculously healed by Jesus. When she was invited to a weekend of prayer and fasting at the local church, Arleta decided to go. She spent the weekend on her knees, asking Jesus to heal her and believing He would. After the weekend concluded, Arleta continued in her faithful prayers.

Three weeks after the prayer event, Arleta returned to the hospital for a doctor’s visit. She was full of faith Jesus would heal her. But she couldn’t help but wonder what the doctor’s report would show.

When the report returned, Arleta couldn’t contain her joy at the news: The tumor had shrunk! Arleta knew without a doubt Jesus was answering her prayers and miraculously healing her. She couldn’t wait to tell everyone she knew!

Her Sister of Compassion friends continued to pray with her, trusting Jesus for Arleta’s full healing. As she regained strength, Arleta hosted a prayer meeting at her house. She had to thank Jesus for the healing work He was doing in her body. She invited her daughter, neighbors and nearby relatives, sharing with them the good news of her healing.

Everyone who heard Arleta’s story and witnessed her invigorated spirit was amazed. Could this be the same poor, lonely widow for whom life was painful and joyless? Truly, it was a miracle!

Read how prayers for Samuel’s healing changed his life.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, Bold Prayers Answered with Miraculous Healing

Learn more about the Sisters of Compassion – those who are specially trained woman missionary with a deep burden for showing Christ’s love by physically serving the needy, underprivileged and poor.

Read more on Prayer and Sisters of Compassion on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

May 28, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide – Discussing Nadajay, a 45 year old widow, her family’s struggle with poverty and sickness, and the Gospel for Asia distribution of a goat that took care of their medical needs.

One dollar and thirty-eight cents—that was all Nadajay made per day working in the mines. The 45-year-old widow needed to provide for her two sons, but her daily income barely covered living and school expenses, leaving hardly any extra.

But when Nadajay’s 10-year-old son, Adeon, fell ill with a kidney stone, she spared no expense. She wouldn’t lose another son; she couldn’t lose another son.

A Tragic Past, a Region in Need

Discussing a widow & her family's struggle with poverty & sickness, and the Gospel for Asia distribution of a goat that took care of their medical needs.
Goats, like those pictured above, provide much-needed income as families in need can sell their offspring.

Nadajay had already lost her husband and five sons to sickness in the past. Their poverty meant they could not seek proper medical attention—an all-too-common occurrence in Nadajay’s region. People suffered with malaria, jaundice and typhoid, and many could not afford proper treatment.

When Adeon fell ill, Nadajay’s fear and heartache from the past surged to the present. Any spare money she had saved up went to finding relief for her son’s pain. Doctor visits and traditional rituals brought no healing. What if she would lose him, too?

When Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Macalay first arrived in Nadajay’s region, he saw families stricken by poverty and devastated by sickness. He saw the mental and emotional strain on the locals’ faces. He saw the hopelessness and the pain. Pastor Macalay knew these men and women needed love, so he sought to be a beacon of hope for those trapped in destitution and despair.

When Pastor Macalay met Nadajay, she shared with the pastor her grief and troubles. She told him of the tragic passing of her husband and children. Now another son—her youngest, Adeon—lay ill, and nothing she’d done had worked. Please, she asked, pray for my son.

Pastor Macalay did. For the next two weeks, he visited Nadajay’s home, praying for her sick son. And after two weeks of constant prayer, Adeon’s pain vanished. He had been healed.

Blessings for a Widow from Gospel for Asia Distribution

Enormous relief settled in Nadajay’s heart. For nearly a year, worry for Adeon, combined with the pain of the past, had ruled Nadajay’s thoughts. Her attempts had not healed her son, but Pastor Macalay’s prayers did. Why? What was different about the pastor’s prayers that enabled her son to be healed?

She realized it was Christ and His love that had brought healing for Adeon’s body—and to Nadajay’s heart.

She began attending worship services held by Pastor Macalay with other villagers. Together, as one congregation, they grew in the knowledge of Christ’s love and the power of prayer.

A year later, Nadajay received a pair of goats through a Christmas gift distribution. They provided the widow with much-needed income, especially as the number of goats steadily increased from two to 24. Through selling the offspring, she could take care of any medical needs that arose—and get her sons through school and repair a leaky roof.

Nadajay no longer feared for her sons’ survival. Thanks to the faithful prayers of Pastor Macalay, Nadajay now rejoices in the comforting embrace of God’s provision and love.

Read how a booklet helped rescue a widow from her wrecked home.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia World stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Field Reports & Updates, Medical Needs Taken Care of Through Prayer, Goats

Learn more about how generosity can change lives. Through GFA World (Gospel for Asia) and its Christmas Gift Catalog, gifts like pigs, bicycles and sewing machines break the cycle of poverty and show Christ’s love to impoverished families in Asia. One gift can have a far-reaching impact, touching families and rippling out to transform entire communities.

Learn more by reading these Special Reports from Gospel for Asia:

Read more on Christmas Gift Catalog, National Missions and Poverty Alleviation on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

May 7, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World, a major humanitarian agency founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, is calling for “eleventh hour” prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 — and the world faces a growing number of deadly new variants.

GFA World is calling for "eleventh hour" prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 & the growing number of new variants
GFA WORLD CALLS FOR PRAYER AS ‘TSUNAMI OF SUFFERING’ HITS INDIA: GFA World is calling for “eleventh hour” prayer as India suffers a devastating second wave of COVID-19 — and the world faces a growing number of deadly new variants. South Asia is experiencing a “tsunami of suffering,” says GFA World founder K.P. Yohannan.

In India — the world’s second most-populous nation with nearly 1.4 billion people — the pandemic death toll is soaring. According to BBC reports, people are dying in streets outside overwhelmed hospitals, gasping for air as oxygen supplies run out. Crematoriums can’t keep up with the body count. “In my lifetime, I’ve never seen anything in my experience that compares with this tsunami of suffering,” said K.P. Yohannan, founder of Texas-based GFA World. “A catastrophe is unfolding in front of our eyes — and we’re now at the eleventh hour.”

Yohannan, author of Never Give Up, called for global prayer as new COVID-19 variants threaten more carnage around the world.

‘Gasping for Breath’

“We can be sure that God weeps for those who are suffering, for the many who are even now gasping for breath,” he said. “The government of India — and other governments around the world — desperately need prayer for wisdom right now as they confront this unforgiving pandemic.”

India — the world’s biggest COVID-19 vaccine producer — has seen its number of new cases skyrocket by well over a million in less than a week. About 2.7 million vaccine doses were being given every day, but the country is now at risk of running out of shots, according to reports.

Neighboring countries, including Bangladesh and Nepal, are also at a crisis point.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) had hundreds of workers on the frontlines in the aftermath of the catastrophic 2004 Asia tsunami that killed more than 200,000 people. “The Asia tsunami was a massive disaster,” Yohannan said, “but the scale and scope of suffering was nothing like we’re seeing now.”

‘Hope to the Suffering’

With national workers across South Asia — and with new compassion projects launching in Africa — GFA World is “committed to bringing hope to those suffering most,” Yohannan said. During the pandemic, the organization has been helping local workers distribute food to tens of thousands of families and migrant workers on the edge of starvation.

“We have people on the ground right now, ready to care for millions, and show them God’s love,” he said. “We’re thankful that governments in India and around the world are willing to help us get into the places where suffering is unbearable, to serve the sick, the poor, and the dying.”

The pandemic also threatens to wreak havoc across East Africa where over 7 million people are on the cusp of starvation, according to humanitarian organization World Vision.

GFA World is launching compassion projects in the East African nation of Rwanda this year as it expands its reach beyond Asia, where it serves millions of the world’s poorest people, caring for children and providing clean drinking water to over 37 million people.

For the latest information regarding GFA World’s COVID-19 efforts, please visit:

About GFA World

GFA World is a leading faith-based global mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across the world, especially in Asia and Africa, and sharing the love of God. In GFA World’s latest yearly report, this included thousands of community development projects that benefit downtrodden families and their children, free medical camps conducted in more than 1,200 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 260,000 needy families, and teaching providing hope and encouragement available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry. In the years ahead, GFA World expects to launch programs in Africa, starting with compassion projects in Rwanda. For all the latest news, visit our Press Room at

Media interested in interviews with GFA World should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or [email protected]

Source: GFA World Press Room, GFA World Calls for ‘Eleventh Hour’ Prayer Amid ‘Tsunami of COVID Suffering’

April 12, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide, one of Asia’s largest humanitarian agencies is calling on Christians to pray for Myanmar ‘s suffering people in the throes of the South Asia nation’s bloody military coup.

GFA World is calling on Christians to pray for the suffering Myanmar people in the throes of the South Asia nation's bloody military coup.
MYANMAR MASSACRE, GFA WORLD CALLS FOR PRAYER: Texas-based Gospel for Asia (GFA World) — one of the largest humanitarian agencies in Asia — is calling on Christians to pray for Myanmar’s suffering people in the throes of the South Asia nation’s bloody military coup.

In the past few days, at least 114 people — including children — were killed across the country as protests continue against the military takeover, according to CNN. It brings the death toll so far to more than 400 since the coup began and the military seized control Feb. 1.

“As with any crisis, it’s the innocent that suffer the most,” said K.P. Yohannan. “At Gospel for Asia (GFA World), we’re asking people everywhere to join us in praying for peace, justice and God’s protection over the people of Myanmar during the current turmoil.”

Yohannan also urged people to pray for the release of the leaders and protesters who’ve been detained by the military.

“Nowhere in Myanmar is safe right now,” he said. “Every single night is spent with fear, and dawn seems so hard to reach. The people are restless, and they’re exhausted physically and mentally. Many businesses have been burned down.”

World leaders have condemned the coup and the military’s violence against the protesters. Hundreds have been arrested and detained, including members of parliament, doctors, and government officials.

“Myanmar’s people need our prayers and support more now than ever,” said Yohannan, whose Texas-based organization helps millions of children and families across Asia through its child-sponsorship program and clean water “Jesus Wells.”

About GFA World

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a leading faith-based global mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across the world, especially in Asia and Africa, and sharing the love of God. In GFA World’s latest yearly report, this included thousands of community development projects that benefit downtrodden families and their children, free medical camps conducted in more than 1,200 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 260,000 needy families, and teaching providing hope and encouragement available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry. For all the latest news, visit our Press Room at

Media interested in interviews with GFA World should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or [email protected]

March 1, 2021

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, has been the model for numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to help the poor and deprived worldwide –Reporting on GFA World mission agency offering online 40-day lent devotional to help Christians pray, fast for unity, end to pandemic and other crises.

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) offers online 40-day Lent devotional to help Christians pray, fast for unity, end to pandemic and other crises
GREAT’ LENT SEASON ‘MOST IMPORTANT IN A GENERATION’: Calling for Christians to pray and fast for “unity and holiness,” mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World) described this year’s holy season of Lent — beginning on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17 — as “the most important in a generation.” The organization has launched a Lenten daily devotional, available at

One of the largest humanitarian agencies in the world, has invited Christians to join a new movement during Great Lent to pray and fast for “unity and holiness” in America, and an end to the pandemic and other global crises.

Texas-based Gospel for Asia (GFA World) described this year’s holy season of Lent — beginning on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17 — as “the most important in a generation.”

“With the ongoing pandemic, other global crises and so much divisiveness in our world right now, it’s never been more important for Christians to make a concerted effort to pray and fast for unity and holiness,” said Bishop Danny Punnose, Gospel for Asia (GFA World) vice president. “This Lenten season is the most important in a generation.”

Great Lent is the church season prior to Easter, focusing on fasting, repentance, and charity. Many Christians who observe Lent refrain from eating certain foods such as meat for a period of time, using the cash savings to help others in need. Others voluntarily give up an activity they enjoy, and instead use the time to pray and seek the Lord.

Offering a daily devotional for Lent 2021, Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is inviting Christians of all denominations to participate in daily prayer and fasting for “unity and holiness” as well as for those who are suffering around the world — including millions impacted by the pandemic, extreme poverty, starvation, sex trafficking, forced labor and other injustices.

“Our world desperately needs God’s intervention, healing and grace,” said Punnose, whose organization works to alleviate extreme poverty and share God’s love in villages and slums around the world.

Prayer: Turns Mourning To Joy

“The Lenten season is a purposeful opportunity in which we seek God and ask him to give us his heart for the suffering people of the world,” Punnose said. “As many of us face challenges that seem overwhelming, let’s remember God is able to bring dry bones to life and turn mourning into joy. Let’s turn to him and earnestly pray and fast.”

Lent is also an opportunity for people to help make the world a better place, Punnose said.

“Lent is a time when we can choose to make a simple sacrifice to embrace a cause that is close to the heart of God,” he said. “Tangible actions and conscious choices we make during the season of Lent should bring us closer to God and our neighbor, help us to become more like Jesus, and provide us with real opportunity to be Christ’s hands to those who need to know he loves them.”

One Billion Adherents

According to estimates, more than a billion Christians around the world will likely observe Lent, which is growing in popularity in evangelical circles.

“Many Christians are rediscovering the richness of the Lenten tradition, and are growing closer to Jesus through self-denial, sacrificial giving, fasting, and times of fervent prayer,” Punnose said. “Knowing that we have the hope that the world is dying for, shouldn’t we offer it?”

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) has produced a booklet titled The Seasons of Lent: Stepping Stones to Spiritual Renewal and Growth, written by Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founder K.P. Yohannan, best-selling author of Revolution in World Missions and Never Give Up. The booklet — a practical guide to observing Lent — is available free at

Read another story on how the Lord is using Gospel for Asia to bring relief to those in need during COVID 19.

Those interested in supporting GFA World’s COVID 19 relief efforts in Asia, should go to:

Media interested in interviews with Gospel For Asia should contact Gregg Wooding at InChrist Communications @ 972-567-7660 or [email protected]

About Gospel for Asia

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is a leading faith-based mission agency, helping national workers bring vital assistance and spiritual hope to millions across Asia, especially to those who have yet to hear about the love of God. In GFA’s latest yearly report, this included more than 70,000 sponsored children, free medical camps conducted in more than 1,200 villages and remote communities, over 4,800 clean water wells drilled, over 12,000 water filters installed, income-generating Christmas gifts for more than 260,000 needy families, and spiritual teaching available in 110 languages in 14 nations through radio ministry. For all the latest news, visit our Press Room at

KP Yohannan has issued two statements about the COVID-19 situation found here and here.

GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus

Click here, to read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

Learn more about Gospel for Asia: Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn | SourceWatch | Integrity | Lawsuit Update | 5 Distinctives | 6 Remarkable Facts | 10 Milestones | Media Room | Open Defecation | Endorsements | 40th Anniversary | Lawsuit Response | International Offices | Missionary and Child Sponsorship | Transforming Communities through God’s Love

Notable News about Gospel for Asia: FoxNews, ChristianPost, NYPost, MissionsBox

Source: GFA World Press Room, Gospel for Asia Calls for Prayer for ‘Unity, Holiness, End to Pandemic’ During ‘Great’ Lent

December 7, 2020

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia CanadaDiscussing Rajasi, the sorrow and loss that invaded her life, the hope of Jesus that sustained her through widowhood, and God’s love and compassion shared as Gospel for Asia ministered to her family.

Discussing how Gospel for Asia ministered to Rajasi in her sorrow & loss.

Rajasi’s relatives blamed her for the death of her husband. “All these [problems] happened in your life only because of your faith in Jesus,” they said. These wounding words stung Rajasi’s lonely, grieving heart. How different they were from the soothing words spoken by her neighbor about her Savior months earlier. But now who could she turn to? With her husband dead and her own relatives and community speaking against her—who would help her?

No Stranger to Sorrow

Even though Rajasi was only a young woman of 25, sorrow and difficulties were no strangers to her. Before she met Jesus, she and her husband, Mahasvin, were in anguish. Mahasvin worked faithfully as a laborer to provide for his two children and wife, until both his kidneys failed to function properly. At this devastating news, peace left the household, making room for fear to enter the young couple’s hearts.

Rajasi cried out in despair to all her gods, pleading with them to heal her husband. Mahasvin went to many hospitals and underwent treatments. But soon all their money was spent, and they had lost hope of him ever recovering. They heard no answers from their gods, and they were deeply discouraged. They had no one else to turn to.

They heard no answers from their gods, and they were deeply discouraged. They had no one else to turn too.

With Jesus, Everything Changes

The Lord used Pastor Victor (not pictured) and other believers to help Rajasi and encourage her husband during their times of struggle and heartache.

It was at this moment God sent a faithful believer to their home one day. She saw their grave condition and encouraged them with the Word of the Lord. Her gentle words of truth were like a healing balm to their wounded hearts, and they asked her to pray for them. After she prayed, she assured them of her continued prayers. Concerned for the couple, she brought their need to the attention of her Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor, Victor.

With compassion, Pastor Victor visited Mahasvin and Rajasi often, bringing words of encouragement to the couple. As time went by, Rajasi and her husband realized Jesus was the answer to all their problems. Together, they decided they wanted the everlasting love of Jesus to fill their lives.

But life did not grow easier when they made their decision to follow Christ. In anger, Mahasvin’s father turned against them and began to oppose them. But this never swayed their resolve to live in the hope and peace of Christ.

The Agony of Loss

After a few months, Mahasvin and Rajasi grew strong in their faith. But Mahasvin’s health continued to deteriorate due to his failing kidneys. Rajasi listened closely as her dying husband shared his last requests with her: Never forsake Jesus, but go to the worship place at any cost.

After Mahasvin’s death, Rajasi was heartbroken. She suffered through severe mental agony and pain, and to make matters worse, everyone placed the blame of her husband’s death on her shoulders.

Even though so many had forsaken her, Rajasi was not alone. Her church family stood with her during her bleak hours. They visited their sister in Christ and encouraged her to follow Jesus. Rajasi was strengthened by their words and upheld the plea of her husband to continue steadfast in the faith, even in the midst of opposition.

Gospel for Asia Ministered in Midst of Worry for Children’s Future

After Mahasvin’s passing, Rajasi was completely dependent on the income of her father-in-law, Farhat, to meet her and her young children’s needs—but so was the rest of the family. He worked in a small grocery shop, and many of her relatives became dependent on the income Farhat brought in.

Rajasi grew concerned about her children. She wanted them to have a good education, but her father-in-law would not give her extra money to send them to a good school. This troubled her deeply. Rajasi brought her worries before the Lord and the believers. Together, they all prayed for her need.

By God’s grace, Rajasi’s prayer was answered through a Gospel for Asia (GFA) gift distribution. On the happy distribution day Rajasi received a shiny, new sewing machine! The gift was such an incredible blessing in Rajasi’s life. She quickly began work by setting up a personal tailoring shop.

Gospel for Asia (GFA) ministered to Rajasi and she was so blessed to receive a sewing machine through a Christmas gift distribution. Through the help of believers around the world, women like Rajasi have the chance to earn a better income and experience the love of Jesus in a tangible way.

Within a few months, Rajasi was doing so well and received such a good income that she was able to buy a second machine to expand her business. Rajasi found a good school for her beloved children and is able to provide for their future.

Rajasi and her children weren’t the only ones blessed by the machine; her mother-in-law was also touched by the kindness of the believers. Although she was bedridden and unable to go to services, she longed to hear more about the God of love and compassion who provided for her daughter-in-law. God also worked in Farhat’s heart. While he still wants nothing to do with Jesus, he no longer opposes Rajasi for her faith.

Help ‘Sew’ into the Kingdom this Christmas!

God used a simple sewing machine and the love of His children to uplift Rajasi in her hour of need. Not only has it helped provide a way for her children to have a brighter future, but it also planted a seed of hope in her mother-in-law.

You can be part of answering a brother’s or sister’s prayer for God’s provision by choosing an income-generating gift in Gospel for Asia’s Christmas Gift Catalog! This year, make Christmas about ‘sewing’ into God’s kingdom, and spread the joy and hope of Christ!

Learn more about how Gospel for Asia has ministered through the national workers who carry a burning desire for people to know the love of God. Through their prayers, dedication and sacrificial love, thousands of men and women have found new life in Christ.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Featured Article, Failing Kidneys, Opposition and Answered Prayer

Learn more about how generosity can change lives. Through Gospel for Asia (GFA World) and its Christmas Gift Catalog, gifts like pigs, bicycles and sewing machines break the cycle of poverty and show Christ’s love to impoverished families in Asia. One gift can have a far-reaching impact, touching families and rippling out to transform entire communities.

Learn more by reading the Gospel for Asia Special Report: Widows Worldwide Face Tragedy, Discrimination – Some Find Hope to Overcome the Challenges of Widowhood

Click here, to read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

Learn more about Gospel for Asia: Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn | SourceWatch | Integrity | Lawsuit Update | 5 Distinctives | 6 Remarkable Facts | 10 Milestones | Media Room | World Water Crisis | Endorsements | 40th Anniversary | Lawsuit Response |

Notable News about Gospel for Asia: FoxNews, ChristianPost, NYPost, MissionsBox

November 25, 2020

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia CanadaDiscussing Talak, the difficulties he faced with his medical condition, his son being influenced by bad company, and the prayer of a Gospel for Asia pastor that unlocked blessings in his life.

Talak, 45, operated his own roadside business as a key maker, but for it to be successful, he had to overcome a mound of difficulties.

Discussing Talak, his medical condition, his son influenced by bad company, and the prayer of a Gospel for Asia Pastor that unlocked blessings
Like the man pictured, Talak has learned the power of prayer and its effectiveness in overcoming life’s challenges.

In Asia, making keys can provide a decent income. However, with no guiding regulations in the industry, it is up to each individual key maker to display integrity and discern whether a potential customer is the rightful owner of the key to be duplicated—or a thief. Due to the challenges of his profession, Talak sometimes had to turn down work and, consequently, income.

His work and ability to procure income for his family suffered also because of a medical condition that caused uncontrollable seizures, which did not wait for an “opportune” time and location. Such incidents caused Talak to fall in the middle of the street or throw stones at others like a madman. This didn’t help attract customers or bolster Talak’s business. Talak took medication, but it did not prevent the seizures.

Talak’s elder son also worked as a key maker. Instead of supporting the family and alleviating Talak’s troubles, however, his son spent his earnings buying drugs and hanging out with bad company.

For all Talak’s efforts, it appeared he and his family were destined to scrape by in poverty, with life’s bare necessities and exhaustion as the only rewards for all his work.

Power of Prayer with Gospel for Asia Pastor

One day, Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor Ebin and a few members from his church encountered Talak beside the road with his tools, looking for work. He was tired, frustrated and dejected. Once again, he had no customers.

Talking to Talak, the team learned of his many difficulties. They told Talak about Jesus, who was able to take all Talak’s burdens and provide for his needs. Talak eagerly listened, their words refreshing his weary soul.

Talak welcomed the group of believers to his home, where they continued to visit with Talak and his family. From then on, Pastor Ebin visited regularly to pray with Talak, his wife and his younger children.

As they prayed, Talak’s health and outlook improved. He experienced the healing power of Jesus in his life, and his worries lessened.

Initially, Talak’s older son chose not to attend the prayer meetings. When he fell ill one day, however, Pastor Ebin was asked to pray for his recovery. Through the pastor’s prayer, God restored the young man’s health, and Talak’s elder son began to show an interest in what Pastor Ebin shared with his family.

He started to join the prayer meetings, and Talak’s entire family regularly attended weekly worship services at Pastor Ebin’s church. The more they learned about Jesus, the more they wanted to know. One by one, they decided to enter a personal relationship with Him.

Shower of Blessings

Over the next year, Talak’s health continued to improve, until one day he was completely healed from his ailments.

Then Talak received an unexpected blessing: an additional source of income! At a Christmas gift distribution organized by his church, Talak was blessed with a tricycle cart. The cart allowed him to earn more income by transporting goods.

What once seemed like a life destined for hardship transformed into a life filled with blessings. Poverty is no longer the banner over Talak and his family. Instead, they have a testimony of prayer—and of life in abundance.

Read Sabitha’s story and discover how the power of prayer changed her life.

*Names of people and places may have been changed for privacy and security reasons. Images are Gospel for Asia stock photos used for representation purposes and are not the actual person/location, unless otherwise noted.

Source: Gospel for Asia Filed Reports, Prayer Unlocks Abundant Blessings for Key Maker

Learn more about the GFA national workers who carry a burning desire for people to know the love of God. Through their prayers, dedication and sacrificial love, thousands of men and women have found new life in Christ.

Learn more by reading these Special Reports from Gospel for Asia:

Click here, to read more blogs on Patheos from Gospel for Asia.

Learn more about Gospel for Asia: Facebook | YouTube | Instagram | LinkedIn | SourceWatch | Integrity | Lawsuit Update | 5 Distinctives | 6 Remarkable Facts | 10 Milestones | Media Room | Fighting Global Poverty | Endorsements | 40th Anniversary | Lawsuit Response |

Notable News about Gospel for Asia: FoxNews, ChristianPost, NYPost, MissionsBox

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