Senator Rand Paul’s Medical License Revoked

Senator Rand Paul’s Medical License Revoked August 10, 2021

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul just lost his license to practice medicine, The American Medical Association (AMA) revoked the ophthalmologist’s ability due to “ethical concerns” and Paul’s “blatant disregard for the Hippocratic Oath.” The revocation of the license is permanent. Senator Paul will never again be able to treat patients.

What Is The Hippocratic Oath?

The oath is taken by physicians. It is centuries old. The origin of the oath is commonly attributed to the Greek physician Hippocrates (460–370 BC). One of its major tenets is to do no harm. Physicians are to heal and not exacerbate illnesses. The motto of “I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm” can be found in many doctor’s offices.

The AMA’s goal is to promote the spirit of the Hippocratic Oath.

Founded in 1847, the American Medical Association (AMA) is the largest and only national association that convenes 190+ state and specialty medical societies and other critical stakeholders. Throughout history, the AMA has always followed its mission: to promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health

Senator Rand Paul Is Anti-Science And Anti-Public Health

Senator Rand Paul has chosen politics over science-based medicine. He’s taken a stand against mask mandates.

The Kentucky Republican asserted that a unified public rejection of restrictions intended to stem the spread of the virus would be too much for the government to handle and that “petty tyrants and bureaucrats” would be forced to drop mask mandates and similar policies.

“It’s time for us to resist. They can’t arrest all of us,” Paul said in the video. “They can’t keep all of your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed, although I’ve got a long list of ones they might keep closed or ought to keep closed.”

Here is the video.



Dr. Andrew Canard heads the AMA. He believes the organization must take a stand against members who wish to harm their patients and the general public. “Senator Paul is no longer a practicing doctor, and he shouldn’t be a senator either,” he said.

In related news, YouTube permanently bans Senator Rand Paul

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