Quoting Quiverfull: Part 7 – 7 Things Michael Pearl Thinks Are Important?

Quoting Quiverfull: Part 7 – 7 Things Michael Pearl Thinks Are Important? December 21, 2016

quotingquiverfullby Michael Pearl from No Greater Joy – 7 Things I See

Editor’s note: Skipping over his words on justice since it’s pretty conventional and normal. It boils down to ‘behave ethically’. But with judgment he’s all over the map, saying that you must hate what God hates, then doing the moral limbo to say don’t judge others, reversing to say judge away. Only a small part of his ideas on judging are listed below.

6. Justice and judgment…

Judgment is the wisdom and will to take a stand for justice and call it like it is. Justice can be passive; judgment must be active. We live in a society that decries judgment as a hostile act springing from bigotry. The most popular verse quoted by people who never saw the inside of a Bible is “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1). Of course, they ignore the context and the many other passages that urge us to “judge righteous judgement” (John 7:24).
The very essence of being a person is the ability to judge between right and wrong, proper and improper, good and evil. It is impossible to be human and not judge. Even those who claim to not judge do indeed judge those who judge.

Righteous judgment is approving of and valuing what God values and hating what he hates, as is clearly spelled out in the pages of Scripture. We hear people making judgments based on their “conscience” or “personal conviction.” Your conscience is nothing other than your state of consciousness regarding what you think. It is not a holy entity. It is just your honest moral view, which says nothing of its accuracy. One’s conscience should be amended by the words of God.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6

QUOTING QUIVERFULL is a regular feature of NLQ – we present the actual words of noted Quiverfull leaders, cultural enforcers and those that seek to keep women submitted to men and ask our readers: What do you think? Agree? Disagree? This is the place to state your opinion. Please, let’s keep it respectful – but at the same time, we encourage readers to examine the ideas of Quiverfull and Spiritual Abuse honestly and thoughtfully.

moreRead more by Michael Pearl:

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