Answering ‘Preparing To Be A Help Meet’ – Family Help?

Answering ‘Preparing To Be A Help Meet’ – Family Help? March 15, 2017

AnsweringAnother installment of giving better answers to the questions asked at Debi Pearl’s site message board for the book β€˜Preparing To Be A Help Meet’. Many young ladies ask questions on all sorts of different subjects brought up by the book. There was just one big problem, many of the answers stray into either the outright bad and emotionally unhealthy to dangerous. Yes, typical Debi Pearl borderline abusive. Here’s what we’re going to be doing here at NLQ. Every week, once or twice a week, I’ll be posting up one of the questions from the message board and ask you, our readers, to answer that poor soul’s question in a way that is logical, rational and the best possible solution, in other words 180 degree turn from Debi and friends answers. As alwaysΒ  all spelling and grammar in the posting is unchanged from the original author.

Family Help?

HI I am wondering if any of you have any advice for me. I am the second oldest of 11 kids in my family. My parents have always been great and I love them a ton. But over the last year it seems that our family relationship has really gone down hill. We used to always have fun times and a lot of joy. My mom has homeschooled us all and my dad was a pastor for 8 years. We really have a great life but recently I see a lot of stress between my parents and they are always telling us new stuff that we β€œHave” to work on. I respect my parents and try hard to help them and do as they want, but it always seems there is something new and that when I think it is going well they don’t see it. Quite honestly I am not really sure what to do. I recently have gone to Haiti and I believe I am called there but at the moment I am waiting on the Lord. Each time I find joy in and at the home my mom and dad come up with something different to work on. I so believe that as women our call is to the home and that there is always stuff to work on but I am a really joyful person and having just gone to Haiti, I believe we have a lot to be thankful for. And that we should be joyful. It seems to me that there will always be training to do with little kids but we have to make a choice to be happy and praise God. My dad told me last week that this is the first time in his life that their marriage has been stressed and that he has prayed for guidance. They always seem mad about something. I hate seeing that and I try to let them go on dates together but then they come up with some reason not to go. We have always been the family that others look up too, but now it seems we have to sort of fake it. I am not that kind of person, I try to talk to my dad about it but He then thinks I don’t care. I pray a lot and I know that God has a plan but I am really open to suggestions and advice. I don’t want to sound like a complainer and I really hate even writing this but I am hoping to see if anyone out there has anything that I should do or try. Thanks and God bless you all!

Let me see if I can parse this. Her parents are apparently having some sort of marriage problem and she is upset that they also seem to be pushing her out of the door to do more than help her mother with the younger children.

Here’s the answers she got. One lady said her problem is that she needs to spend some quality time dating Jesus and another told her to give her parents the Pearl’s books on marriage. Would it not be better to just tell mom and dad that you love them and back away to let them deal with whatever the problem is? What would you advise this young lady?

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