This is the next to last in my Apostle Paul APB series. The acronym was too great a punny double entendre to not use and highlight. APB in popular parlance is an “all points bulletin” notifying the police and others to be on the lookout for someone, which connects nicely with Paul’s arrest as well as the quest for the historical figure of Paul. APB also stands for A Polite Bribe, the title of Rob Orlando’s movie about Paul (as well as the book that was released as a companion to the film). Once again there’s a video above that gives you a taste of what is in the movie, which I recommend here once again, and then also includes a round up of recent blogging about Paul below. If you haven’t seen the movie yet, or haven’t watched it recently, now is as good a time as any to check it out.
Around the blogosphere on Paul:
Notes on the historical Paul and his intellectual activity
The Apostle Paul in Context: Jewish, Scriptural, Greco-Roman
Keck on Why Paul Wrote So Little about Jesus’ Public Ministry
What is the “Gospel” according to Paul? Galatians 3:8 Offers a Big Clue
Listening to the Conversation on Paul and Faith: Harrisville’s The Faith of St. Paul
GUEST POST: Paul’s Version Of Jesus Re-Examined by Jim Palmer
Translating Philippians: Reflections on the Art of Bible Translation: Part 1
Translating Philippians: Reflections on the Art of Bible Translation: Part 2 (Phil 2:1-11)
Translating Philippians: Reflections on the Art of Bible Translation (Phil 2:12-30)
Translating Philippians: Reflections on the Art of Bible Translation: Phil 3:1-21
Listening to the Conversation on Paul and Faith (2): Gupta’s Paul and the Language of Faith
My Interview with Brian LePort about Paul, A New Covenant Jew
Mis(Understanding) Philippians: Part 1—Where Was Paul Imprisoned?
What is the Body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12?
Pauline Politics? Yes, Please!
The unknown God, your own poets, and the man God chose: Paul on the Areopagus (Acts 17)
Paul’s Dasmascus Road Experience and the Message of Easter (Peter von der Osten-Sacken)
Book Review: David Bomar, Journeys of the Apostle Paul
Max Lee’s new book on Paul’s “moral milieu” is now available
Ken Schenck introduces 2 Thessalonians
David Opderbeck has an ongoing series studying 1 Corinthians
“Greet one another” (2 Cor 13). But no holy kissing. And no joyful singing.
A quote from Paul: An Apostle’s Journey And another: The Six Million Dollar Man. And another on “real Christian leadership”. And another asking “Is this church?” And one on taking the form of a servant. And one on martyrdom. (Can you tell this is a whole series?)
Essays Celebrating Paul Livermore—an Incomparable Faculty Colleague
The recent book Paul and the Marginalized is reviews by The Christian Century.
Andrew Perriman explains why he disagrees with N. T. Wright on “propitiation by his blood.”
Sermon: One example of evangelism
Steve Walton preaches from Acts 17
Craig Keener on Acts 17:16-19 and 17:22-34
Recently read: Barclay’s ‘Paul and the Gift’
Sneak Peek: The New Cambridge Companion to St. Paul, ed. Bruce W. Longenecker
Romans and Galatians from the Perspective of Paul’s Gospel?
Imagination as a lens for making sense of the world
N. T. Wright’s “broken signposts” part 1
The Gospel as More Than “Words”: The Bates-McKnight Controversy and Graham Twelftree’s New Book
Roman Faith and Christian Faith
Public Lecture: The Household Codes and the House Church Context (VIDEO)
Book Notice: Defending Shame, Its Formative Power in Paul’s Letters (Te-Li Lau)