September 16, 2019

Hey, conservative Christians, let’s talk. First, let me say this, if you are proud of Donald Trump and continue to support him, I’ve got nothing left to say to you. You are in far too deep and are beyond help. You can just move along. But if you are like millions of conservative Christians who are deeply bothered by Trump and what he represents, but just don’t see any way that you can vote against him due to your interpretation... Read more

September 11, 2019

I’ve often written about the myth of the Good Ol’ Days. It is a fundamental truth that there never was a Good Ol’ Days, there was only a time of ignorance. In that sense, I sure do miss the Good Ol’ Days. I miss the days when I was young and went to church completely ignorant of the fact that most of the people sitting in the sanctuary shared very different political views from my family. Back then, I never... Read more

September 8, 2019

Before I begin, let me just say, I understand that I run the risk of being hypocritical here. I write a political column from the perspective of my progressive Christian world view. So, yes, I do have a political agenda, just like everyone else. The difference between my approach and a more conservative Christian’s approach is very crucial, however, and I think this gets lost in the discussion. Progressive Christians, like myself, are very insistent that the Constitution should be... Read more

September 5, 2019

As Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to plummet, the most conservative Christians continue to be rock-solid in their support. They believe that Trump is hand-picked by God to carry out their agenda. When confronted with the obviously un-Christian behaviors of Trump, they will cite how God used King David, a very flawed person, so Trump is good enough for them. Yet, all the while, the key points of the right wing Christian agenda are based upon their very biased interpretation... Read more

September 5, 2019

This story actually happened and I actually witnessed it. I chose to tell it in a free-verse prose/poetry style.    “Deplaned in Phoenix” By: Shane Phipps   It is May 25th, 2019 and we’re waiting in the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. This is a short layover in route to San Francisco. I’ve been neck deep in Vonnegut’s Timequake. We are called to board the plane.   We get in queue and slowly make our way down the ramp. I... Read more

September 3, 2019

The Christian Right is attacking the very thing that allows them the freedom to their own bigotry. This has been on my mind a lot since I watched the Netflix documentary called, The Family. That documentary series dives deep into the most influential religious group you’ve never heard of. This group created and continues to run the annual National Prayer Breakfast, which has been attended by every president since Eisenhower. The group has also infiltrated the U.S. Congress and sends elected U.S.... Read more

August 29, 2019

I don’t normally write about sports here, but this goes far beyond sports. When Andrew Luck decided to retire at the age of 29, after just 7 years in the NFL, it instantly became the biggest story in sports. It was one of the most shocking announcements the sporting world has heard in quite some time. I live in Indianapolis, I am a Colts season ticket holder. I can tell you that on Saturday night, August 24th, when the story... Read more

August 27, 2019

I’ve been watching the new Netflix documentary series, The Family, this week. If you are not familiar with it, you should check it out. The series is produced by Jeff Sharlet and is based upon his books about the very secretive conservative Christian organization known as The Family. The Family, also known as The Fellowship, is a US based political organization which was started in the 1930s by Abraham Vereide. The mission of the organization, which goes out of its... Read more

August 27, 2019

It was raining pretty hard when I arrived at work this morning. After I had parked, I grabbed my umbrella and hurried toward the door. There was water flowing across the parking lot. As I neared the sidewalk, walking at a quick pace, I stepped into a puddle that turned out to be about 4 inches deep. Moving quickly as I was, I stepped in with both feet before I realized my predicament. In an instant, my shoes, socks, and... Read more

August 23, 2019

Hopefully, the title of this article didn’t cause you to have a stroke. Equally hopefully, the title didn’t cause you to say, “Damn right he was!” I started noodling with this idea after reading a very thought-provoking article by CNN analyst John Blake (who happens to be African-American). The point of Blake’s article is that, despite the insanity of the whole Trump phenomenon, he has been able to do what his predecessor, President Obama, was not. Blake claims that Obama’s... Read more

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