Left Behind Index (now with working links!)

Left Behind Index (now with working links!) October 25, 2015

Here’s a one-stop portal to everything in the Left Behind series here covering the first two books and movies. The previous versions of this index all have broken links. This one doesn’t (I don’t think).

I’ll add the index for the third book, Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist, once/if we ever get to the end of it.

I’m hoping to turn this post into a permanent page embedded in the architecture of the blog, so that anyone coming here to read this series will be able to find it more easily. In the meantime, please bookmark this page, and please feel free to share it with friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora and that guy who still uses Google Plus.

Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth’s Last Days, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, Tyndale House Publishers, 1995.

Chapters 1-5

• Pretrib Porno, pp. 1-3
• The denial of death, pp. 4-5
• Meet Buck Williams, pg. 6
• The GIRAT, pp. 6-7
• Weird Science, pp. 6-8

Volume 1 of "The Anti-Christ Handbook" includes everything about the first 200 pages of "Left Behind" in convenient e-reader format.
Volume 1 of “The Anti-Christ Handbook” includes everything about the first 200 pages of “Left Behind” in convenient e-reader format.

• A Thief in the Night
• Peace in the Middle East, pp. 8-9
• The Literal Donkey’s Penis, pp. 10-15
• The Babel Fish, pp. 10-15
• Recycling Sydney Watson
• Why this matters
• Do panic, pp. 15-19
• Tony the flight attendant, pg. 18
• The Hypothetical Bus
• There’s a New World Coming
• Not creepy enough, Chapter 1
• The Naked Truth, pp. 21-25
• Jerry’s book tour
• Welcome to the Hellmouth
• The Lex Luthor Factor, pp. 23-24
• Concorde calling, pp. 25-27
• Hard to get a cab, pp. 28-30
• A fool’s hope, pp. 29-30
• This ain’t science fiction, pg. 30
• My favorite character so far, pp. 22-37
• Email MacGyver, pp. 30-32
• ’60 Minutes’ falls asleep in church
• Rayford ‘Mary Sue’ Steele
• Flirting with disaster, pp. 32-34
• God took my copilot, pp. 34-35
• The evil of banality, pp. 35-39
• Buck deplanes, pp. 41-43
• Scream morality, pp. 43-45
• Inhumanly profamily, pg. 45
• Yesterday’s news, pg. 45
• Go to Hell, pp. 45-46
• Pagan babies, pp. 46-48
• Global Weekly 1 
• Global Weekly 2
• Shackled, pg. 48
• Sorrow Floats, pp. 48-49
• Thank Heaven for little girls, pp. 49-54
• Scream 2 morality, pp. 50-53
• Keep an eye on the Jews, pp. 54-57
• The Final Frontier, pp. 57-58
• Dr. Dives is bored, pg. 59
• 21 days
• Nice people finish last, pp. 59-66
• Get in line, pg. 68
• Unmotivated Closeup, pp. 68-71
• Cursed are the peacemakers, pp. 68-71
• Nero’s fiddle, pp. 71-73
• Ars poetica, pp. 66-68, 73-76
• 10 pages in the men’s room, pg. 77
• Buck & Jules, pp. 77-80
• Not a conspiracy theory, pp. 80-87
• Reciprocity, pp. 87-89
• Rule No. 4, pp. 89-96
• The Good Wife, pp. 89-96
• Accidental honesty, pp. 92-96

Chapters 6-10

This e-booklet isn’t about the Left Behind books. It’s just a nifty little compilation of essays on young-Earth creationism. And it’s only 99 cents.

• Holy spirits, pp. 97-98
The Undead, pp. 98-101
• Explicit content, pp. 101-104
• Spiritual girly-men, pp. 102-104
• No change of power, pp. 104-105
• Making the cut, pp. 105-109
• Finishing Chapter 6, pp. 109-114
• Ninevah, Chapters 1-6
• A less graphic experience (Left Behind: The Video Game)
• Funny you should ask, pp. 115-121
• Opening Irene’s Bible, pp. 121-123
• Other people, pp. 123-126
• If you can make it there, pp. 126-129
• Tin men
• Everybody loves Rayford, pp. 129-133
• The Antichrist Check List, pp. 135-142
• Narcissus reflects, pp. 142-144
• Regarding Hattie, pp. 144-150
• Executive Intelligence Review, pp. 151-154
• The Blair Witch Video, pp. 154-156
• Suspicious phone call, pp. 156-159
• Leap of proof, pp. 159-165
• Selective literalism, pg. 165
• A Grief Denied, pp. 165-170
• This is London, pp. 171-186
• The Nonattenders, pp. 172-174
• The Visitation Pastor, pg. 196

Chapters 11-15

• The Rise of the Anti-Huck, Chapter 11
• God’s battered wife, pp. 188-199
• King of Kings and Capo di tutti capi, pp. 189-190
• Dogs and cats sleeping together, pg. 198
• The real sin of the Rev. Bruce Barnes, pp. 195-197
• Hospitality vs. Sales, Chapter 11
• Buck, incognito, pp. 205-206
• Grace and greed, pp. 206-208
Fizzbinsationalism, pp. 208-210
• Still not creepy enough, pp. 211-217
• What’s on second?, pp. 211-213
• yes I said yes I will Yes, pp. 213-217
• Rayford Zork
Over at the Frankenstein Place, pg. 217
• Today’s Gospel reading, pp. 217-218
• Tactical decency, pg. 218
• Sunday Morning Coming Down, pp. 218-219
• Full House, pp. 219-221
• Episode IV, pg. 221
• Sunday afternoons, pp. 221-225
• Mostly dead, pp. 227-228
• Driving to O’Hare, pp. 228-231
• Enchanting, pp. 228-231
• When the pawn …, pp. 231-233
• A routine flight, pp. 233-234
CSI Atlanta, pp. 234-236
• Lunch with Dad, pp. 236-237
• Faith vs. Reason, pg. 237
• Humbert Steele, pp. 237-239
• Going to the UN, pp. 239-241
• Boutros Boutros Carpathia 1, pp. 241-247
• Boutros Boutros Carpathia 2, pp. 242-247
• BBC 3, pp. 239-247
• Domestic agenda, pp. 249-250
• A GIRAT exclusive, pp. 250-251
• Antiheroes, pp. 251-253
• It could be bunnies, pp. 253-255
The missing children, pp. 255-256
• Conditional election, pp. 255-256
• LPU&B, pg. 256
The trepid reporter, pp. 256-258
• Hot property, pp. 259-261
• Dead man’s messages, pp. 263-265
• Why doctors hate healthy people, pp. 265-268
• SMA, pp. 268-274
• The Longest Day, pp. 227-308
• Mojo, pg. 275
• Skipping steps, pp. 275-281

Chapters 16-20

• Three Days of the Chicken, pp. 283-288
• Late-night phone calls, pp. 288-292
• The Last Temptation of Buck, pp. 292-298
• A Very Bad Reporter, pp. 292-298
• An interlude, ending with a hug, pp. 298-301
• Muggletonians, pp. 301-302
Gross estimate, pp. 302-305
• Buck’s new friends, pp. 305-308
• Fact and fiction, pp. 308-314
• An Inconvenient Sooth, pp. 308-314
• Management material, pp. 314-318
Is the pope Catholic?, pp. 318-320
Ben and Glory, pp. 320-324
Fire-breathing Martians, pp. 324-327
• That beats all, pp. 326-328
• Body and Soul, pp. 328-332
• Dissipation, pp. 332-337
7 pages, 6 phone calls, pp. 334-341
• The sticking-place, pp. 343-344
• Mystery Dance, pp. 344-346
• New Babylon, pp. 346-353
A billion Samanthas, pp. 353-355
• Chairface Stonagal, pp. 355-359
• Buck’s soul searching, pp. 356-357
• Buck & Hattie & Ray & Chloe, pp. 361-364
Worlds Collide, pp. 364-365
• Bucky’s in Love, pp. 364-375
• Cruel to be kind 1, pp. 367-377
• Cruel to be kind 2, pp. 367-377

Chapters 21-25

• Care less, pp. 379-381
Two Swell Guys, pp. 381-384
• Imperio, pp. 384-387
• 28:06:42:12, pp. 387-391
• The Holy Hand, pp. 393-395
• Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door, pp. 395-397
• Otherwise innocuous, pp. 397-399
• Educational filmstrip, pp. 400-409
• Losing Chloe, pp. 400-409
• In these shoes?, pg. 411
• Willful stupidity, pp. 412-414
• The Imaginary Liberal, pp. 413-415
• Super powers, pp. 415-417
• Martyr envy, pp. 418-421
• The Pope of Mount Prospect, pg. 421
• Passionate sincerity, pp. 421-423
• Buck and the Preacher, pp. 423-424
• Transactions, pp. 424-426
Still unsaved, pp. 426-430
• Geheimkode, pp. 431-435
• Speakerphone, pp. 435-437
• That girl, pp. 436-438
• Dear Captain, pp. 438-440
• Heebie-jeebies, pp. 440-442
• Back to school, pp. 442-443
• Doin’ the deal, pp. 443-448
• Meta-Buck gets saved, pp. 449-451
• Pruneface Stonagal, pp. 452-453
• Chekhov’s GIRAT, pp. 454-456
• Pistol-packing pacifist, pg. 456
The hidden display, pp. 456-458
• Reliably unreliable, pp. 458-461
• The Talking Dog, pp. 459-461
• Vertigo’s on First, pp. 461-465
• Under cover, pp. 465-468
• What a world, what a world, pp. 466-467
• Freeze frame, roll credits, pp. 467-468

Left Behind: The Movie (2000)

• That’s our Buck!
• Meet the Steeles
• Growing Pains
• Gone off naked
• In case of Rapture
• Jesus met the woman
• Lone Gunmen
• Accumulated radiation
• No love for Hattie
• Think Different
• Something happens
• The worst mankind has ever seen
• L&J vs. ORBP

 Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drama of Those Left Behind, by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, 1996.

Chapters 1-5

• Inaction heroes, pp. vii-x
• Sign o’ the times, pp. 1-2
• A new car, pp. 2-5
• The militant Verna, pp. 5-8
• Fantasy sequence, pp. 8-14
• No shame, pp. 14-16
• Not funny, pp. 5-20
• Enough with Chapter 1 already, pp. 16-20
• By the rivers of Babylon, pp. 21-27
• Stoppage Time, pp. 21-29
• Bruce’s Big Plan, pp. 28-32
• Love, Apocalypse Style, pp. 33-38
• Bible studies, pp. 38-43
• Meta-NHVC, pg. 45
Tweaking Buck’s article, pp. 48-53
• What’s the story, Mr. Exposition?, pp. 45-52
• Skip verse 10, pp. 53-55
• The second-biggest story, pp. 56-59
• That Guy, pp. 59-60
• Let us sing, pg. 61
Bruce’s sermon, part 1, pp. 60-63
• Bruce’s sermon, part 2, pp. 60-65
• Bruce’s sermon, part 3, pp. 65-67
• Bruce’s sermon, part 4, pp. 69-73
• Out of alignment, pp. 73-74
• Irreconcilable differences, pp. 74-79
• Still a million things to say, pp. 78-82
• No heroes, pp. 82-85
• Mr. McGillicuddy, pp. 85-91
Unlikeable, pp. 91-95
• Feast and Famine, pp. 94-104
My Lunch With Chaim, pp. 97-104
An approved wanton, pp. 104-105
Tim LaHaye’s Cherokee grandmother, pp. 105-108
• Saving Hattie Durham, pp. 108-109
• Showdown let-down, pp. 108-113
• Spies like us (and we like spies), pp. 113-117
Karma police, pp. 117-126

Chapters 6-10

• Anna Nicolae Carpathia, pp. 126-128
• LaHaye World, pp. 126-128
• Do I love you, do I?, pp. 128-133
The Logic of Hell, pp. 133-139
• Pan-Con One, pp. 139-147
• The Illuminati
•  The Good King, pp. 147-151
• The end of the interview, pp. 151-157
• The flowers are in the trash, pp. 157-162
• GWFYL, pp. 162-169
• Sign my yearbook?, pp. 169-172
• Dramatic invasion, pp. 172-176
• Morality and sex and all of that, pp. 175-177
• Then as farce, pp. 177-188
• Who’s your daddy?, pp. 189-192
• What are the odds?, pp. 192-205
• Another award-winner, pp. 205-207
• Lying to Stan, pp. 207-212
The Religion Editor, pp. 213-217
• The Scornful Colleague, pp. 218-219
Section 4, pp. 219-226
The ever-present absence of absence, pp. 226-229
• Tribulation baggers, pp. 229-231
• Last supper, pp. 231-235

Chapters 11-15

• Direct leading, pp. 236-243
• Menacing flowers, pp. 243-250
• Gang of Four, pp. 248-251
• Fast-forward, pp. 251-257
• Calvin and Hobbes, pg. 257
• Another world, pp. 257-258
• Back to the airport, pp. 258-265
• Loopholes and paradoxes
• Reaching for the cookie sack, pp. 265-268
• Tossing cookies, pp. 268-274
• Not Xianity, pp. 274-277
• The Cleansing, pp. 275-276
• Oratory, pp. 277-279
• Pocket full of kryptonite, pp. 279-282
• Born to sorrow, pp. 281-289
Chairface Carpathia, pp. 281-289
• Oy vey!, pp. 289-293
• Must be the clouds in my eyes, pp. 293-295
• Beyond Good and Evil, pp. 295-297
• Fly Like a G6, pp. 298-306
• Merry Christmas, pp. 307-310
• I’m gonna take you by surprise and make you realize, pp. 310-312
• Dees ist Tsion, pp. 312-317
• Sweet fire-breathing Moses, pp. 317-325
• Suspending suspense, pp. 325-326
Subjective miracles, pp. 326-330
• Slurs and epithets, pp. 331-336
• Eli is the straight man, so he gets 60 percent, pp. 336-346
• Proof and madness, pp. 346-352
• Trust-busting, pp. 352-354

Chapters 16-19

• What if that was me?, pp. 354-356
• The President’s Plane Is Missing, pp. 356-362
• ‘I wish I could be of more help,‘ pp. 362-366
• We defy augury, pp. 362-366
• Operation Chaste Harmony, pp. 366-368
• Regional sales force awards banquet, pp. 368-374
• Waiting for my man, pp. 375-379
• Cucumber sandwiches, pp. 379-386
• That rabbi thing, pp. 386-388
• Identification hallmarks, pp. 388-391
• A partial list of famous people born of virgins in Bethlehem, pp. 391-393
• Messiah’s handle, pp. 393-396
• How Not to Do Evangelism, pp. 386-396
• Jesus stole your children, pp. 396-397
• 788,400 moments so dear, pp. 398-399
• As sands through the hourglass, pp. 399-400
• 400 childless pages, pp. 1-401
• EBOWF, pp. 401-402
• Loving an America without Americans, pp. 402-403
• Serving God and Mammon, pp. 403-404
• Private study sessions, pp. 404-406
• Post-Rapture economics, pp. 406-407
• Amanda Hugginkiss, pp. 407-413
• A case of do or die, pp. 413-417
• Sock it to me, pp. 417-422
• A clandestine meeting, pp. 423-425
• Best-kept secrets, pp. 425-426
• Springtime for Nicolae, pp. 426-428
• A beautiful Fifth Avenue penthouse, pp. 428-430
• A secured mail package, pp. 429-433
• A planned vacation, pp. 433-437
• Rev. Barnes Regrets He’s Unable to Lunch Today, pp. 437-440
• Stuck in traffic, pp. 440-443
• Battle come down, pp. 443-445
• A person of action, pp. 445-450

Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002)

• Everybody watches TV
• Chauffeurs for the powers that be
• Leave the gun, take the salvation
• This story can’t be part of the story
• The temptation of Buck Williams
• The Antichrist’s inbox
• Jesus Magic
• Return of Angelic Woman
• Happy endings

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