Today is the Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels, and after our recent pilgrimage to France and a visit to Mont St Michel, I’m tuned in to the angels like I haven’t been for a long time.
Over at my main blog you can read my account of how I met my guardian angel at Mont St Michel when I was on retreat there many years ago. I also discuss the phenomenon of angels and the supernatural and how we perceive the invisible realm. Go here to read Mont St Michel, Angels and the Imagination.
Also at Standing on My Head you can read Encounters with Angels which is a longer article about angels and our interactions with them.
Are you interested in the paranormal and all things otherworldly? I sometimes listen to the Paranormal Podcast when I’m out on my walk, and I’ve got a podcast channel called Stories of the Unexpected in which I discuss the paranormal from a Catholic point of view. You can check it out here. At the present time most of the stories are reserved to my Donor Subscribers, but as I record new ones I’ll be posting abridged versions of the tales at BreadBox Media free for all.
Did I mention a pilgrimage? We had a fantastic pilgrimage to France in September and next year I’ll be leading a pilgrimage cruise to Rome, the cities of St Paul and the Holy Land. While we’re at sea I’ll be lecturing on “The Gospels – History or Mystery?” Learn more about the pilgrimage cruise here.
Image Gavin Allanwood at Unsplash