Witches And Pagans Are Everywhere

Witches And Pagans Are Everywhere May 2, 2019

Yes, that’s right, we’re everywhere.  We’re all over the world, and our numbers are growing.

world pagan witches everywhere

Some pagans and witches are out of the broom closet, leading congregations in churches like Unitarian Universalist.  Some work with pagan organizations such as Circle Sanctuary.  Some are pagan/witch healers or divinatory readers. Others are book authors and/or activists.


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My lovely friend Psychara at an activist march

These people are at the fore, glowing in the spotlight, showing the world that we’re people, just like they are.

But there’s also a hidden realm of witches and pagans in the world.  This is far more widespread.  It encompasses nearly every profession and area of life.

We’re the people working as paramedics and fire fighters, saving your life, your cat, possessions, and home.

We’re the ones assisting with psychological needs and counseling, healing your turbulent emotions and empowering you.

We’re the ones cleaning up toxic sites, protecting you from nasty chemicals and cancer clusters.

We’re parents, school teachers, and principals.

hereditary witchcraft pagan real truth
Wikimedia Commons

We’re at the forefront of several disciplines of science, working to understand medical mysteries and trying to heal the body.

We’re the ones pouring your coffee and steaming your almond milk.  We make your food and clean your homes.

We’re the ones working at makeup counters, helping with glamor and the art of illusion.

We’re children who know who and what they are, but can’t admit they’re a witch/pagan because they live in a restricted environment.

We’re scholars, reinterpreting the witches in Shakespeare’s Macbeth.

We’re the people who are turning away from condescending, corrupt religions.  We’re a movement of people going back to their roots and their own spirituality.  This is what a revolution looks like.

imbolc fire candle woman pagan witch witchcraft wicca wiccan spiritual practice what to do holiday
Photo by HShapiro, CC2.0

We’re everywhere, and we’re not going anywhere.  If the current data can be trusted, there may be as many as 1.5 million of us in the United States alone.  These numbers are projected to grow among the younger generation more and more.

 We’re everywhere, and we’re not going away.

~ Align with Starlight Witch ~

Intuitive Witchcraft Book (Llewellyn)

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About Astrea
Astrea is the author of Intuitive Witchcraft: How To Use Intuition To Elevate Your Craft (Llewellyn Worldwide). She also leads the fire dancing group Aurora Fire and stirs up magic for the Blessed Be Box, the service that ships a "ritual in a box" with all vegan and cruelty-free items. You can read more about the author here.

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