The Spiritual Benefits Of Being A Hermit

The Spiritual Benefits Of Being A Hermit February 5, 2020

Every winter, I turn into a modern-day hermit.  It’s a practice I’ve come to accept about myself, even though it goes against the social norms and peer pressure to always be doing something.  I’ve learned to make the most of these times, and I feel there are so many  spiritual benefits to being a hermit.

hermit witch pagan craft woman lantern time alone introspection spiritual benefit introversion

Turning Inward

I ride the line between introversion and extroversion, but when winter comes, I’m more of an introvert.  This feels right intuitively for me.  Over the years, I’ve learned to honor that.

Having this down time during the darkest time of the year lets me turn inward and delve into what really matters to me at the time.  It helps me own my magic and spirituality more than any other time of the year.

Unique Spiritual Experiences

While I usually have a lot of spiritual experiences when I’m outdoors among people in warm weather, I have plenty of these experiences during my hermit time too.

This time alone helps me become better at my ritual techniques, altar decoration, and spirit work.  In other words, I have unique spiritual growth spurts that wouldn’t have happened if I were, say, at the brewery with fifteen friends.

Fewer Home Cleansings

Another benefit to hermit time is that, with fewer visitors, I don’t have to cleanse my house as much.  I’m pretty sensitive to energies, and I’ve learned that my house is very attractive to spirits.  I find myself cleansing up to twice a week in the summer.  With only my energy brewing in my home, it can get very cozy and comfortable.

hermit time spiritual benefits pagan witch witchcraft

Time and Freedom To Get Weird

When I can steep in my own energy, I inevitably find inspiration in that flavor.  In other words, I get weird, and I love it.

I associate winter with explorations into new fashion, ideas, music, expression, dance, and other activities.  When I really let go in my own direction, I usually find unique inspiration that informs my creative projects.  Which brings me to my next benefit…

Creative Projects

Being a hermit means I have more time to hunker down into my creative projects.  For the past several years, every winter, I start writing a book.  Last winter, it was Intuitive Witchcraft, and this winter, I finished Air Magic.  Before that, I wrote some fiction.

Winter creative projects feel so cozy, especially if you have a cat or a dog beside you, a space heater running, and a cup of tea steaming up the air.  There’s something so mystical about staring out the window at snow or a frozen landscape, and finding inspiration in the blankness of it all.

Creativity feels so wondrous to me, like I’m a part of a flowing waterfall of ideas, images, and feelings.  Taking time to honor this important part of myself feels indulgent and productive.  Creativity is also what much of my magical work is all about.

Black cat with pagan wiccan witch books

Seasonal Green Witchery

Like my garden, my outdoors work fades when the frost hits.  In winter, there’s not as much yard work and gardening responsibilities.  This means that I can take a break from my green witch responsibilities.  It gives me time to plan my garden and buy supplies to prepare for the coming sun and warmth.

Magic Time On My Time

The holidays can be especially busy.  Trying to fit in a Yule celebration can feel overwhelming, especially with planning to see several different family members and friends.

Fortunately, being a hermit means I can celebrate on my own intuitive witchy timing.  My own cycles are celebrated when it feels right.

The Joyous Return

Perhaps one of the best things about having a seasonal hermit time means that when I do return to the world, I’ve missed it so much and long to return and have fun.  I always look forward to getting back out in the world, full of new ideas and inspiration.

There’s definitely just as much magic in connection–its just a different kind.  Speaking of which, I’ll be giving a lot of lectures and workshops this year!  Check out my events page for my schedule.  If you see me, feel free to say hello.  I love meeting new people and talking about witchy things.

For another great article on hermit time by my friend Gwyn, check out her article Middle Winter: Working With Hermit Energy.

~ Align with Starlight Witch ~

Intuitive Witchcraft Book (Llewellyn)

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About Astrea
Astrea is the author of Intuitive Witchcraft: How To Use Intuition To Elevate Your Craft (Llewellyn Worldwide). She also leads the fire dancing group Aurora Fire and stirs up magic for the Blessed Be Box, the service that ships a "ritual in a box" for new moons and sabbats. You can read more about the author here.

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