April 9, 2020

New gods are a controversial topic in some circles, but they shouldn't be. We need to listen to those who practice outside the box.  We don't have to agree with them, but we don't have to argue with them either. It may be that new gods are the future of paganism. Read more

March 29, 2020

Just as some people have a greater affinity toward intuitive witchcraft practices, there are also people in the pagan and witching communities that are more hard-wired for traditions. Read more

March 26, 2020

As a child, I felt energy, I had witchy experiences, and I knew things.  However, I didn't know a thing about Wicca, Druids, or the gods for a long time.  How could I owe a debt to those traditions I didn't even know existed? Read more

March 18, 2020

No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you might find something to love in Intuitive Witchcraft: How To Use Intuition To Elevate Your Craft, a forthcoming book through Llewellyn Worldwide. Read more

March 11, 2020

It's generally good advice for a new witch to keep their magic personal, but if you're not a new witch anymore, you could be severely holding yourself back. You might be surprised to find how powerful you actually are. Read more

March 4, 2020

To make myself feel better about how long springtime takes to truly arrive, I imagine a love story between Persephone, the Goddess of Spring, and her husband Hades, God of the Underworld. Read more

February 19, 2020

When it comes to "valid witchcraft," there's an ugly undercurrent in today's pagan and witchcraft communities. I've spoken with a lot of people about experiences of witchcraft invalidation. I'm here to call BS on this issue. Read more

February 5, 2020

Every winter, I turn into a modern-day hermit.  It's a practice I've come to accept about myself, even though it goes against the social norms and peer pressure to always be doing something.  I've learned to make the most of these times, and I feel there are so many spiritual benefits to being a hermit. Read more

February 3, 2020

Have you ever played Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board? Have you ever made a wish and blown out birthday candles? Have you ever guessed the suit and number of playing cards? If so, you've practiced kiddie witchcraft--some of the most magical acts there are. Read more

January 21, 2020

This chalice meditation uses the imagery of water in a chalice to represent emotions and the container we use to hold those emotions. Considering the astrology of the Aquarius moon cycle, we could all use a little stabilization and clarity right now. Read more

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