Capsule Wardrobe Challenge WEEK THREE #BindiFashion #Moms30For30

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge WEEK THREE #BindiFashion #Moms30For30 May 20, 2017

I can’t believe how fast May is flying by. More than half way through already. Tomorrow is Garrick Ravi’s first birthday! Watch my Youtube channel for a video coming soon of shaving his head and doing a birthday arti.

Here is last week’s post on my #moms30for30 wardrobe challenge:

Capsule Wardrobe Challenge WEEK TWO #BindiFashion #Moms30For30

And here are my outfits from this previous week…







bindi fashion
Added a shrug to this one to cover bra straps, so that wasn’t in the original ten items!

One thing that has been really helping me with putting these looks together is the Stylebook app. Here is a video on how I used it for this challenge:

I’m going to be starting a new Youtube channel soon so I have someplace to talk about clothes, hair, nails, and other not very spiritual interests!


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Brian Hanechak

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