We take a deep breath and watch Darren Arnofsky’s maybe brilliant maybe dumb yet deeply religiously inspired and definitely provocative 2017 film mother! Film critic Joel Mayward joins us for support. Brian tries to ex(man)splain. Leah is not having it. (Warning: this episode contains some disturbing content, and also a heaping of razor sharp film criticism by Dr. Joel Mayward.) Trailer and other clips from mother! : https://bit.ly/35RV2xE Darren Arnofsky’s mother! and Cinematic Parables , by Joel Mayward: http://www.transpositions.co.uk/darren-aronofskys-mother-cinematic-parables/ Joel Mayward’s review of mother! : https://cinemayward.com/review/mother/ The Unknown Girl (2017): https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_unknown_girl Joe’s Mayward’s Cinemayward: https://cinemayward.com/