Cosmos: Weakened Edition, 9

Cosmos: Weakened Edition, 9 November 29, 2015

The Shepherds doing Nudus Nudum Christum Sequi for Advent (Andrea Mantegna, The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1453; Source: Wikimedia Commons, PD-Old-100).
The Shepherds doing Nudus Nudum Christum Sequi for Advent (Andrea Mantegna, The Adoration of the Shepherds, 1453; Source: Wikimedia Commons, PD-Old-100).

What’s not weak this week on Cosmos the in Lost. The booklists seem to be trending this time of year.

1. Nudus Nudum Christum Sequi: On Christ’s Genitalia

2. Rod Dreher’s Scandal

3. American Conservatives Are, After All, What They Said They Were

4. Ruined by Books: My TOP10 Novel List

5. Top 10 Theology Books of the Last 10 Years (That I’ve Read)

6. EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Immigration Lawyer & Pastor Explains the Refugee Process

7. Ruined by Books 2: My TOP10 Philosophy List

8. Thanksgiving as Forgiveness

9. Conservatives (Not Liberals) Planted American Catholic Dissent

1o. The Anti-Abortion Supermajority: Beyond the Abortion Wars

Here are three classic Advent postings to round out today’s report:

1. In the Beginning Was Poverty: Advent Should Rob You Blind

2. Von Balthasar: Into the Dark Advent with God

3. A Discomfiting Advent and the Comforts of Atheism

The O Antiphons are coming in a couple of weeks, so here are two of my favorite people performing them instead of the Lame List:

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