September 22, 2015

  My near death experience with Mama pushed me to considering a nursing home. I wrote about it, and about the ghastly business of passing laws legalizing medical murder, for the National Catholic Register.  Here’s part of what I said: I decided then that we had to put her in a nursing home. I despaired of our ability to keep her safe at home. I called the local Catholic nursing home, which I know is a really good place. But they are full-up.... Read more

September 21, 2015

Redefining Francis to fit their political agenda is the new game of the left. It is an attempt to deify what are in fact callous and money-driven political positions. If their ideas had to stand on their own merits, neither political party would do so well. In fact, if they were shorn of the god-gloss that counterfeit clergy obligingly spray all over them, We the People would have an easier time seeing through their charades and demanding better of them.... Read more

September 18, 2015

The United States House of Representatives voted this afternoon to defund Planned Parenthood. Commenters are saying that the vote is largely symbolic, since the bill will most likely never be heard in the Senate. However, there are procedural ways around that. Also, if the bill is amended, it might pick up a few Democratic votes. We need several things to get this into law. I wrote a summary of things that we can do to have the best chance of making... Read more

September 18, 2015

The story is out there, circling the internet. It goes something like this: President Obama has invited a trove of dissenting Catholics and critics of Catholic teaching to the White House reception for Pope Francis. I delayed writing about it because I couldn’t track it back to the original source. I wasn’t able to get an official list of invitees. The internet sources I found linked to one another in a circular fashion. Then, I stumbled across the GLAAD site.... Read more

September 17, 2015

Pro life people must not confine their pro life thinking to the tiny intellectual boxes created by the two major political parties. The Democrats and the Republicans have created this silo mentally for their own self-serving purposes. It does not benefit the cause of the sanctity of human life. It can actually harm it. I wrote about this for the National Catholic Register. Here is part of what I said: My Grandmother used to say, “That’s like a choice between... Read more

September 15, 2015

My family and I had a rough weekend with Mama. Here’s a summary of part of it that I wrote for the National Catholic Register. If you could spare a prayer for me and mine, it would be much appreciated. From the National Catholic Register: I woke with a jolt — one of those soldier-coming-awake-in-a-foxhole snaps from dream sleep to full awake without a step between. The house was quiet and dark. I hauled my tired self out of bed... Read more

September 15, 2015

Aleteia has an interesting article written by a priest who, as a young man, encouraged his then-girlfriend to have an abortion. The article is about repentance and forgiveness. It talks about the mercy of the Church. I would like to emphasize that the Church is merely the conduit of the real Mercy, which is the Divine Mercy, the mercy of Christ and Him crucified. Many years ago, I referred young women for abortions. Then, after my conversion, I worked as a... Read more

September 14, 2015

Folks, I had a rough weekend with Mama. I’ll monitor your comments when I get myself together. In the meantime, don’t think that I’m ignoring you and refusing to let you have your say. I’m just not able to face some of the ugliness that shows up in the comboxes right now. I’ll be ok in a little bit and get it done for you. Thanks for your patience.   Read more

September 14, 2015

60 Minutes covered the plight of Iraqi Christians Among other stories, they found an American military veteran, in Iraq, training Iraqi Christians in self defense.  He’s there because he’s a Christian who wants to help Christians defend themselves in this time of genocide. From  Lone vet returns to Iraq to fight ISIS MARCH 22, 2015, 6:30 PM|“I’m not here serving my country–I’m here serving Christians,” says former U.S. soldier Brett Felton, who returned to Iraq to train Christians how to... Read more

September 11, 2015

Things are hopping in the culture wars. It seems that a clerk at a Chicago Office Depot refused to print a pro life flyer quoting facts about the government monies received by Planned Parenthood. The reason? The flyer was deemed to be “persecuting pro abortion” people. Evidently, Office Depot is standing behind this bit of nuttiness. Does this, as the woman who was refused service claims, violate her First Amendment rights? I say no. I wrote a post about this... Read more

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