In the United States, would you believe ninety-two percent of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted before they get a chance to take a breath? When I hear this statistic, it makes me want to burst into tears. I can’t imagine a world without Trig — he is the best brother! (Okay, you’re not too bad either, Track!)
It’s crazy how in love with Trig we all are. When Tripp is acting up — which he does often! — I sometimes joke with my mom.
“Hey, want to trade kids?” I laugh.
Willow and I always talk about how lovable Trig is, and how we’d take him over any so-called “normal” kid anyday! He’s way cooler than people with fewer chromosomes. I’d have a Down syndrome baby in a heartbeat, and I know anyone else would if they saw any sort of glimpse of how perfect my little brother is.
I saw this photo on Facebook, which takes the silly “I am the 99%” slogan of the Occupy Wall Street guys and turns it on its head. I’m not sure if you can read the small print from the photo, but it reads:
I have Down Syndrome, and my parents didn’t abort me.
I am one of the 8%.
I may never be the captain of a high school team.
I may never win a national spelling bee.
I might not go to an Ivy League college.
It might take me a little longer to learn sometimes.
I might not ever be the tallest, fastest, or smartest.
I will show you how to love unconditionally.
I will show you how to be joyful no matter what.
I will not have your handicaps of malice, hatred, prejudice, discontentment, and arrogance.
My parents and family love me exactly how I am.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made!
Pretty powerful, huh?
It goes on:
In America, the abortion rate for a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome is 92%. In a society that’s so obsessed with perfect children, competition, better performance, and plastic surgery, Down syndrome is a death sentence. We are guilty of genocide, creating the master race by killing 9 out of every 10 babies with a genetic anomaly.
Did you hear that, Occupy Wall Street guys? That’s something really worth protesting.
Please share this post on your personal Facebook pages, because together we can raise awareness about this national tragedy!
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